I had low expectations but this xpac is a whole new level of bad

You’re on Maple and 6th Street with good Starbucks WIFI.

The expansion hasn’t even started and you felt the need to type all that out…

Some people just have too much free time I guess?

The real content doesn’t drop for another week. Take a deep breath dude.

Gonna be honest, I generally don’t care enough to read a post more than 3 paragraphs lol

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Especially not foot stomping rants.

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Well said OP the game is extremely boring. I almost made the same thread but didn’t want to deal with the fanboys who are here defending the boring game instead of playing it because it’s so boring. I’ve never felt this way at the beginning of an expansion before, it feels like a dragonflight patch. I would be so mad if I spent actual $ on it thank god for tokens


if the expansion hasn’t started why are we paying a sub and AAA price tag?


I totally respect the opinions of folks who aren’t tied down by the concept of opportunity cost.

I’m only interested in solo content at this point in retail WoW, and I’m very glad that there’s viable gear progression now. So the expansion has been a major positive for me. It does need mythic tracking though, and AI dungeons that can do keys. And if that isn’t introduced eventually, I will very likely quit again for the same reason.

The rest of the game is pretty fun in the same way a phone game is. You do some tasks, and scratch the OCD itch. A relaxing thing to do after coming home from work.

I consider retail a separate game, completely different from something like WoW classic. That is a masterpiece. But this is good in its own way.

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I’m loving this expansion, except Pathfinder, remove Pathfinder forever.


What are you doing?

Looks pretty well done to me.

Narrative, zones and vibes are neat. Earthen story-telling was well-done, way better than most dwarf storylines out there. Same for Nerubian.

I’m not gonna get too deep into it because, really, the expansion has barely began. I haven’t even geared my warlock properly yet. Season hasn’t started, so it’s hard to talk about it.

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Right at the moment?

What are you wearing?

You probably thought this was clever but I gold capped a few characters back in WoD playing less than an hour a day and have bought every blizzard product since then with wow tokens.


For how many days? :wink:

No I mean in game lol.

Whatever. Tease.

I will say I am disappointed with the whole rumor mill thing. I was thinking it would be more along the lines of “There is a rumor going around that Arator is really a child born between Alleria and Khadgar. We need you get a lock of his hair and submit your findings to Turalyon”. Yeah, they were not this.

It always confuses me how people who haven’t had fun playing the game for years continue to spend money to play the game.


I would just say this is a hobby…a game…its not meant to replace real life…so play as fast as you prefer…but dont expect a game to have enough content to live a human life in…

Thats what the forums are for…telling us what you think about the game…good or bad.

Personally Im playing slower this time and Im really enjoying what Ive seen.

I’m not saying I disagree with all your critiques especially how underwhelming hero talents are (and even more with how they were presented)

But like some of us post when we’re away from game… Like when I’m home I’m not on these forums unless it’s checking before bed.

I have an inkling many people are the same.