I had faith but

I don’t know. Since to patch I had the honor of being the sole alliance in a horde guide run in normal sep and single lock and it was a hoot.
Made alot of jokes about not speaking well I only speak “Bork” was afk when asked for portal they were making jokes I couldn’t understand them :joy:. Had many laughing I’d totally love to raid with them again.
Doing runs with horde especially tauren my other fav race has been lovely. The druid tank over pulled and so I couldn’t resist telling him he bit off more then he could moo. Just silly things to joke about.
Sure sometimes I get declined for small keys I’d easily clear because some may just not want cross faction in their groups…
For the most part I think I’ve had more fun being alliance now then ever especially since most my toons are horde.

It’s just nice to be worgen and still able to play with my fav faction. I promise I’m not secretly stealing parts of hordies souls for a collection in goldshire inns basement. All conspiracies!

In short this imo is the best patch I’ve been in in a long time! Hoping cross faction guilds becomes a thing soon! :smiley:

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If they paid GM’s they might mitigate most of these issues tbh.

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Why were you expecting it to? It was a reminder of the rules we’ve had since the very beginning. Nothing in it stated that anything was going to change.

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I see a blue hair I just ignore.

I was hoping it wouldn’t clean up the toxicity in our cities.

[quote=“Sashido-moon-guard, post:41, topic:1257837, full:true”]
I promise I’m not secretly stealing parts of hordies souls for a collection in goldshire inns basement. All conspiracies! [/quote]

Because you’re using the Menethil Harbor inn’s basement, duh. Much quieter!

Glad its not working as you thought it would. Your opinions were trash.

WHO TOLD YOU!?! Was it my imp Lazpip? That motor mouth talks to anyone when I allow him to partake in Ale consumption! Storms off to my lair. LAZPIP you son of a filthy murloc!

buffs nails You forgot to pay the… insurance last month. Word gets around.

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I don’t even attempt speaking up anymore because it’s guaranteed, especially if it’s in something like /trade that a lot of people see, it will turn toxic. Usually within minutes at most.

Doesn’t matter how inoffensive I try to be, someone will get stupid with it. Better to just not say anything.

So, needless to say, this doesn’t affect me at all. I don’t go around trying to piss people off so I can’t imagine anyone reporting me, much less that report turning into something actionable. I’ve been actioned exactly once in 15 years, and that was only on the forums for 24 hours because I got a tad too graphic talking about internet sickos, go figure. It followed that I went too far into detail, I wasn’t even mad about it. Sometimes you know you’re near the line but don’t realize when you’ve crossed it.

It’s just really difficult to wrap my head around why people, who insist they aren’t toxic, are still freaking out about this. You must really value your opinions no matter how divisive, I’m guessing?

It’s like my mother always said, “don’t talk to strangers about religion or politics” and that’s applicable to a ton of other stuff too. Seemed like common sense even before the contract, and doubly so when even agreeing to disagree politely in /trade inevitably invites eye cancerous /w.

I mean if there’s less of that I probably still won’t talk. Just the fact that rational discourse has fled if it ever existed to begin with is probably why they are trying even just a teensy bit to tone it down.

I mean last time I talked I was just adding to the discussion like “no one has to agree and I’m not even saying I’m right, but this is how I feel from my own experience”

30 seconds later someone /whispers “you uneducated !@#$ bling bling blar hurr durr”

Then I remembered where I was and just dropped the channel like it was hot.

Is it even valuable to talk? If they made the game like smite where I literally could not see other peoples’ drek at all without wanting to I wouldn’t mind at all. I know I can shut it all down and I’m almost not sure why I don’t. In an instance I figure there’s a vague chance someone will say something I should know. Open world though, gtfo I’m better off just ignoring everyone.

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I feel like these threads are the product of choosing to focus way too much time and energy on bad experiences instead of choosing to appreciate the good experiences.

Strange I could a sworn I had Hukvhug my void walker deliver the funds required… But I s’pose he could have just been giving the collectors a hug… A void walkers hug is not something a mortal should allow…hmmm

pauses and scrutinizes you closely Are you a debt collector by chance?

But we were taught by the goblins to NEVER read the End Users Agreement!

Ima play both sides against each other for a second, indulge me.

Would it not be considered Mean spirited or even dare I say slightly “toxic” To straw man the reasons why people might be irked by this? I’m not talking about the op but some of the replies. You obviously have made up your mind about an entire group of people who don’t think like you which reinforces their stands that people might report falsely.

The people whom are calling it into question, Those of you who are angry really shouldn’t be because the terms of service haven’t changed. they are just trying to emphasize it. Getting hot and bothered about something you’ve already been doing is a little… Fruitless.

How about we take the time to listen to each side of the argument instead of just trying to find the best ways to make fun of them to seem edgy and get cool points on the Internet…

That seems the best way to live up to the social contract rather than be… Whatever this is


No, but I share a knitting circle with one. She’s been a little grouchy the last couple months. When she’s grouchy, she has doubles of her usual Stormwind Tawny to the point of being tipsy. And when she’s tipsy, she talks. A lot.

I think the context surrounding the issue has more to do with their behavior than the actual social contract itself. Lets review Blizzard’s PR stunts, one more popular.

Apply that same response to the majority of formal complaints launched about the game status currently. I think this behavior acts more as an agitation than something that reduces inflammation surrounding the “issues,” whatever they may be.

Take virtue signaling policies Blizzard clearly doesn’t support (lawsuits), but gains traction from individuals who feed off of signaling each other. PR is just another term for propaganda. It is a way to manipulate people into supporting an organization.

63million people quitting isn’t something to ignore, but we’ve been ignored. All the issues Blizzard is directing its attention towards, isn’t what a good portion of the base are concerned about.

You left out the part where I was only referencing the people who were getting angry.

This was definitely a PR stunt with no teeth

I took it into consideration, but I am suggesting these issues are not isolated incidents but a compilation of bad treatment by Blizzard over the decade.

I think a lot of people would say blizzard has lost their way in terms of public relations and definitely public image.

This is one of their ways to try and undo some of it. Its just some of us see through it more than others.

While I can’t say I blame them I think there are many better ways that would actually make changes… Not just lip service

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If they were genuinely advocating terms of service, and not sending people to automated forums, I would be less neutral, and more favorable towards GM’s returning. But as a company they treat everyone poorly. It is no surprise that people enter into full blown mass psychosis over these issues.

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