I had faith but

What makes me sad is when ppl say “ppl are freaking out about the contract because they want to be toxic.”

No baby. I’ve dealt with awful words and harassment. I don’t go around disrespecting ppl - the occasional time I do is when someone has pushed me to my limit.

I’m afraid ppl are going to get report happy and ppl seem so offended by even the slightest of slights these days.

Turning off trade is amazing, especially high pop realms. It all seems cleaned up to me because I turned chat off xD


Shhh don’t tell them, I’m entertained.

Anyone got some specific examples of game toxicity? I’ve played since BC and literally can’t recall more than a few handfuls of times when someone was being what I’d consider ‘out of line.’

You read the forums and it sounds like some people log in to immediate death threats or something. Lol

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Yep, If chat is being obnoxious we just chat. Sometimes redirecting the conversation helps too. I’ve turned chat off before, but after reflecting on it, I think it is perhaps worse than participating. It isolates people, which is actually the opposite of what an MMO is supposed to do.

You live in a bubble, then.

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My viewpoint might be skewed.

I like to be alone most of the time and perfectly fine if I do not chat. I played single player games for almost a couple decades.

And speaking for myself, I love being in a game with real people and seeing them out in the world even if we do not speak.

That is fair, sometimes its nice to be isolated, especially if you’ve been in a raid with the same people for dozens of hours.

I usually do KSM/Duelist (and spam a ton of random BGs) on a few toons every season, which I’m given to understand is above average progression, and I do all of it Via pugging. Which would mean on a weekly basis I’m seeing more of the game, interacting with more people, etc. than the typical WoW player (which would mean I’m going to be exposed to more ‘toxicity’ if there’s any to be had). How is it you’re saying I live in a bubble? Lol

how do you get into those situations in the first place?

i never get any toxicity running m+s everyday.

the most toxic i mightve seen is something like “wow dps was low” and that’s not very toxic at all lol

if i wanted to experience that toxicity where should i go and what should i do?

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Depends on the kind of toxicity you’re looking for. Recently I had a group where the tank and a dps were kind of at each other’s throats in chat the whole run. The tank ended trying to kick the dps and it failed. He then refused to tank until we kicked him, even letting us wipe when a pat was accidentally pulled. We then kicked him. Turns out another DPS was his brother. The tank was group lead and when he was kicked it transferred to his brother, who now simply AFKd with the group lead, preventing us from queueing to fill slots. We couldn’t kick him either as apparently we can only kick one person a run or something.

That’s because it’s not new. It’s just a condensed version of the same old ToS. Don’t worry, I’ll be nice to you!

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I mean, the Social Contract is a PR move at it’s core, things won’t change much, we all had agreed to similar stuff when we accepted the ToS when we began playing, they just made it more apparent now.

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We been tellin yall that it’s just the terms with a shiny new name :crazy_face:

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I’ve been saying “nothing has changed”.

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this might be the weirdest take on it that i’ve seen


It’s the same exact rules you accepted years ago, just made shorter for quicker scrolling. Why would it change anything?

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Like my Daddy used to say “have faith (or pray) in one hand and poop in the other and see which one fills up first”.

This. And the emphasis has been highlighted. But who is going to review the thousands of issues a day? Who is checking for accuracy?

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Toxic people hate it and want to push against it; and then cry. That is pretty funny.

It is kind of new; if you are looking for change, it will take time – give it a year. Remember now and then look back. Blizzard invested in a clumsy (to the players) report system so the employees can track better what is happening in the moment and over time.

Oh ye of little faith, give it some time to work.

Also so those people can’t say " I didn’t know!"

“You know that thing you clicked when you wanted to play our game? Yeah, that’s where we told you not to do this, so here’s your punishment, and no, you can’t talk your way out of it. You clicked on it, which means you agreed to it, which means you have no standing to say you didn’t know.”