I had faith but

That’s a whole other topic though isnt it?

The social contract itself doesn’t bother me. their disingenuine attitude does.

But let’s be realistic how many businesses pay lip service and pander?

All of them.

I’m of the opinion that you should never blindly follow or be loyal to any brand.

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When you’re a business, everyone is bending you over. If you’re a worker, you get it from everyone including the business.

The contract doesn’t bother me, but it is redundant to make someone agree to the same thing they are already legally bound to, followed be inaction on behalf of Blizzard. I’m by no means demanding some form of autocratic system, but being silenced because of indifference is a whole trend. As you put it, their lack of genuine concern. Which I think we see eye-to-eye on.

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It’s seems more or less like some lazy way to moderate the chat. Rules were always there, now they make you accept it so if something happens they can say “you signed up for it!”

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Essentially liability protection.

Of course it’s redundant. that’s why it’s silly.

It didn’t do anything.

It just wasn’t harmful either

roll horde

Which is why I think it is a collective of issues, not inherently the contract itself, but the “acceptance” of it a second time, with inaction can leave people frustrated. Especially after a decade of formalized input and suggestions going ignored. But people who obsess over the small things usually had to build up to that point. Most sane people don’t get upset with a manager over a bad quality food product, they get upset when it is repeated.

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You can’t really legislate human behavior lol. You can try, but without the most severe of punishments, you can’t, and even then, it doesn’t always work.

Don’t buy into it. The world is made better by people who participate in it. Yes, we don’t all have the same opinions. But like your dear mother intended, respect and tact is always a good position to come from. It makes the world a better place.

Conversations will be uncomfortable, rude, and brutally honest at times. But stay in the fight. Friendships and communities are built that way.

Live most excellently :metal:

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The contract was basically just making you re-read the ToS, of course it wasn’t going to change anything.

Jots that down into a pocket book and looks you over once more motioning a hand, my fel hunter runs past you from the shadows behind and comes to my side along with my imp carrying a small barrel of ale and a bag.

Well…you didn’t see me here! I need to relocate all the same…flooding and all…gestures to the leaky ceiling my regards to your knitting!
Hastily tosses you a small coin bag and teleports to the nether

((Thanks, this was some needed fun! CT scan today, blarg))

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((aw I hope all was well and good. Those can be so aggravating had to get one done on my head before so loud and takes forever))

Peaks out of the broom closet in the back of the lair with the “Nether poster on it”((lol)) Gasp!

I really need to work on my portal range…of course it wouldn’t be so bad if you’d keep your foot out of my face Pip! Sighs and brushes myself off. I need to do more lucrative professions to pay off my debts…blasted imp drinking me out of a proper lair!

Hah! I just read up above that someone didn’t know what it was. They just clicked through it after the patch. Even condensed people will ignore it and claim ignorance.

As with most things in life; Ignorance is no excuse.

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I’ve been running pugs consistently for years and years and still haven’t seen this supposedly toxic community. Starting to think the issue is with the players complaining more so than the players they are complaining about.

It’s a video game, why are you taking what other nerds in a fake world say seriously? just ignore them, simple, end of story lol…

I think it’s silly that anyone thought the accept box would change anything. I like silly though!:partying_face:

That’s what this “change” is all about.

No one can claim ignorance anymore.

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Currently. You seriously think they take action on day one? The bad is coming.