I Guess We Now Know Why Every End-Game Pillar Was Timegated

Blizzard can’t even get their Battle.net services working properly in-game because I keep disconnecting and reconnecting every three minutes, so color me unsurprised that the class balancing is also completely out of whack lol

Should be and actuality are different. For the past 3 expansions they were longer than 3-4 months, don’t move goalposts. They were not considered seasons in wrath.

If none of it matters to you then that’s fine and this doesn’t pertain to you. You are only here to be a troll and be inflammatory.

Sometimes corporate timelines > Dev time lines. I think the change-up is absolutely needed though.

The game needs some shake-ups. I mean WFR is basically corporate fundraising for two esports companies that will probably fail as the others have these past two years.

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I don’t disagree, there were essentially zero meaningful changes to paladin aside from “hero talents”. It’s just the timing of it, but I get your point about dev vs corp timeline.

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The ‘timegating’ was for pacing purposes. Give all players time to get to the end-game, let players enjoy the content without feeling like they have to rush through it, etc etc.

The patch notes being as large as they are, and having as many changes as there are, is also simply explained and the reason is well known to anyone who knows game development.

In short: A lot of these changes were being worked on but not ready by the time the pre-patch needed to ship. So, rather than delay the pre-patch or the expansion, which penalizes everyone, they chose to shift all those changes all to the first patch of the expansion. Doing so also gave them time to collect feedback post-launch and make changes based on that feedback once expansion features, such as hero talents, got into the hands of all players, rather than the few who had access to the beta.

I’m sure pacing is what they are going to go with publicly, but unless you work for Blizzard you don’t know what the reason for this “pacing” is. It’s just as likely and plausible that they weren’t ready for the launch based on timeline and chose to roll out the expansion anyway. Your “in short” actually supports my opinion of what happened.

Bro pretty much all of these changes are awesome. Especially the MM Hunter stuff and Black Arrow replacing Kill Shot.

I’m hyped for this patch. Looks like rogues are getting a ton of quality of life/button bloat improvements, too. Nice stuff all around for the classes I care about.

I never said the changes themselves were good or bad. It’s all about the timing.

It’s just reaffirming what everyone knew, the expansion wasn’t close to ready yet the suits pushed it out for that sales money.

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Some people drank the koolaid and thinks the pacing is amazing and intentional without ulterior motives.

This many changes and straight up reworks in the middle of a season are kind of a big deal. I don’t remember the last time I saw anything quite like it. Whether it’s good or bad will depend on the individual and the class they are playing, but it’s still a lot at once.


So, despite there being a clear and logical reason, you’re choosing to go with “Oh they timegated it because stuff in a future patch wasn’t ready!” which sounds like a tinfoil theory since you have zero evidence supporting it. Do I have that right?

No, it actually doesn’t.

Your opinion of what happened is ‘game wasn’t ready, but they rushed it out the door’. Given that Blizzard has delayed expansions before when they weren’t ready, this doesn’t mesh with the reality. If they felt it wasn’t ready, they’d have delayed it.

My statement only says that some changes weren’t ready by the time the pre-patch needed to drop, and that the majority of these changes are a result of feedback gained ‘after’ the pre-patch dropped and after the expansion launched. The number of changes is too vast for a hotfix, so they had two choices. Create a minor patch ( for example) and put the changes in there, or bundle the changes into the next patch for the expansion, 11.0.5. They chose to do the latter.

They don’t care about the facts or the topic. They only care who it’s coming from and want make everything personal.

Clear and logical reason? I literally stated that my reasoning is just as valid as yours unless you work for Blizzard and know first hand what their reasoning is. Do you have evidence? No, you don’t. I didn’t say your theory is wrong, if you actually read it.

As a fire mage, I am now Walter White laughing in the crawlspace.

I love how ya’ll over react to “balance changes” without even playing the changes. the complaining/crying is real man. just because you aren’t “S” tier on a list that you will never achieve with your level of play anyway makes no sense for you to throw a tantrum.

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What’s hilarious is that no one is “crying” or even talking about the changes themselves. The conversation is about the timing of it releasing. You would know if you wernt busy knee jerk replying.

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What a childish, ignorant response.

I am playing on PTR right now. The Survival changes are indeed completely catastrophic.

Survival has only ever been S-tier once, due to an OP set bonus in season 3 of Dragonflight.

Did you not read the huntards response who i was replying to? “I will quit if these changes go through” is verbatim what he said. which is what i was referring to. the tier lists are all BS and MOST players won’t achieve that level of play for the tier list to really matter anyway honestly.

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So you take one person’s response and generalize it with “yall”? Last I checked “yall” stands for you all.

lets see. glancing at the first few forum topics we have someone complaining about the healing changes making healing too easy, another forum post from someone saying “stop nerfing” and multiple other complaint threads. so yes. the crying/complaining from the community as a WHOLE (not just on this thread) is wild to me.

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