The level of strawman on this is unreal. I called you out on generalizing one poster in this thread to all of us and your response is bringing in other topics and threads that are unrelated entirely?
If they are all complaints about the upcoming “nerfs/buffs” then yes, its related.
Lmao sure bud cause 1 person complaining about the changes while the thread itself is talking about the timing in it of itself are equivalent (That’s sarcasm in case you have a hard time understanding). If that’s what you need to tell yourself then go for it.
if it bothers you that much, then why are you even here replying? How miserable and pointless is your life if that’s the best you can manage?
Some people just can’t admit when they’re wrong.
okay have several seats. I know that they weren’t called that but tier/season are interchangeable. Calma-te.
You basically completely dodged the bulk of the argument to fixate on the most trivial aspect. Nice one.
you are too focused on winning that you missed the point but w/e