I Guess We Now Know Why Every End-Game Pillar Was Timegated

No bro, they all major rework to all classes, some would even say expansion level. /s

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You left out the remaining 610 word count for druid changes.


*Boomkin /10 char

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Because I don’t play Balance nor Restoration, hence why I typed “to me” (you even have that in your quote reply). Stop throwing a tantrum because people disagree with your apocalyptic dooming.

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Who’s throwing a tantrum? I’m allowed to voice my displeasure at Blizzard being severely unprepared.


The sheer amount of new talents is insane to see on that list.

I’d commend them for committing to do reworks mid-expansion rather than “we’ll fix it next expansion”, except this feels like leftover work that should have been done in beta.



Enjoy coping, seething, and malding in here, but try not to get too triggered at everyone laughing at you. Cheers, baby girl.

That’s just what Sosari does.

This is a person who admits to verbally abusing waiters and waitresses for simple mistakes.

None of that is “throwing a tantrum”. Nice try baiting honey.

Oh I must be living rent free in your mind if you are bringing something up out of context from like 4 years ago. That’s hilarious.

More like you’re so chronically online I can’t avoid seeing you or people posting about you.

Everything I know about you is against my will, thanks.

I think the best thing to do about the lack of recovery from base healing abilities is to further buff and also enhance the ability of non healers to heal themselves and others.


Unbelievable. WoG is fine.

Chronically online? I took months long breaks every season of DF and SL. Same goes for forums.

That’s good for you? You are the one who decided to inject yourself into this conversation without even touching on the actual topic. Only to to bring up some random thing, out of context, from years ago.

That’s insane.

You forgot the /s

Do you need to know how to log off?

I got you, I’ll do it right now, you should try it!

really? I seem to have no problem with single target. My AOE seems lackluster, though. I get those moment of 4 or 5 big fireballs in a row very often.

There’s no need for the /s cause my runs and posts are public. You seem pretty fixated on me for some reason though. Again, nothing on the actual topic.

Mixed feelings on a lot of these changes. I really don’t like black arrow being turned into a weird execute honestly, doesn’t fit the theme at all (for me anyway)

Really? That’s completely the opposite of my experience, during combustion I can easily pull up to 1.10M or so DPS in AoE, but in Single Target it’s around 450k max, 800k in Cleave and the Frostfire Living Bomb build has slightly more ST focus than the Sunfury Flamestrike build(which is the best AoE build for Fire right now).

Meanwhile Arcane it’s easy to get 800k without lust though diminishing to around 600k depending on the fight and up to around 1.20M ST with lust. RNG gods willing, 900k in AoE without Cooldowns and more than 1M with CDs if the target with ToTM survives long enough.

Of course, for both I am talking about their AoE builds.

Really what this all boils down to is that, although Blizz employees can’t admit it publicly, TWW should have released for the 20th Anniversary but was rushed out the door 3 months early by the Powers That Be.


Not seeing windwalker on that expansive list was a kick directly to my groin