I guess I don't get the appeal of hardcore

Depends on what you want. Many people have been lauding the “difficulty” of vanilla for years. It turned out it was very easy. So they keep inventing new ways to make it “challenging” to spam two buttons and dodge 1 mechanic.

Reported for bullying again.

I mean.

You dont get bonus points for playing the game as trivially as possible.

This is, actually, the only compelling argument in favor of hardcore that I’ve read.

That essentially, classic leveling is SO MONUMENTALLY BORING that people take risks just because they’re desperate for it to be over.

And that’s why people die in classic, whereas people wouldn’t die in vanilla: because classic is so boring and unfun.

You know you don’t have to tag me every time right? No need to ride me like that.

only thing I do not like about hardcore is, if I was to get a random disconnect at the wrong place, which happens to me with this game every now and then , it is game over, very reluctant to put the time in to have a random dc put me back at the start.

Permadeath in online games is generally a bad idea.

I play permadeath games (The Long Dark is a favorite of mine) but they’re all offline. If my power goes off… I can’t die, because the game has stopped. I just lose progress because it goes to the last autosave.

Do you trust the warlock portal

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Another threat. Wow.

Pretty insane how many people in this thread are so mind boggled by the concept about other people liking different things than them.

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2019 Classic bored me. The game is actually way more fun when you have 1 life. Got into a kind group today and quested with them.

Are you sure you aren’t just telling yourself that?

People play classic because they find it more fun. Nobody said it was harder than retail.

One of my friends who is a multi rank 1 glad loves playing classic. He’s one of the most competitive people I know.

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I see you missed the multi-year run-up to classic’s release.

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I find it interesting. Just like those Dark Souls “no death” runs you seem on youtube. But I find it more interesting to actually watch others try it rather than myself. I play on wi-fi so would probably die a lot due to DCs. Not fun at all

If they add account wide bank and class talents and a few touches it’d a fun rogue like experience.
Unfortunately the classic crowd are a bunch of puritans so fun is out of the question… lol

The odds of you running into griefers is much higher.

The only reason I can’t do it. If some external force caused me to die beyond my control I’d probably smash my computer. I remember losing my Witch Doctor to Diablo 3 Hardcore due to a disconnect and I said “never again”.

It’s a GoldenEye blast either way?

…We’re talking about the appeal of HC right? I’m not looking for another game. I hate M+ because it means I’ll never see another BRD.

Technically one could always play hardcore, or “dead is dead.” It just takes discipline to adopt a game mode that isn’t automatically applied. E.g., if your character dies, you delete it. Now, with HC as an inherent game mode, this is “automated.”

I think the appeal is an extra sense of intensity. It incorporates old classic video game progression: get through the levels before you run out of lives. Although you now only have one life - hmm, does soul stoning work?