I guess I don't get the appeal of hardcore

If you like it I’m glad. I’m not saying you’re wrong. It’s always good when people have something they enjoy.

For me, personally, I don’t get it. I leveled to 8 before I was just like, why am I doing this? I’ve played since '04, I know how to safely solo quest. It’s rare that I die because of something I did wrong. Most of the time my deaths are due to game issues like bugs or DCs.

So hardcore, for me, just feels like playing the game like normal but knowing most likely at some point, no matter how carful I am, the game will bug out somehow and get me killed, and then that’s it. In the end it’s just like playing normal Classic, just without feeling any attachment to the character.

It’s not un-fun. I might keep going, I don’t know. I’m just not seeing why I don’t just play regular Classic instead. At least then if I die to some bug like usual I can keep going, and if I die to my mistake then I can just stop on my own if I want to.


I’m mostly playin cuz people are and when its dead in 2 weeks, I’ll go back to wotlk and I’m already playin retail so yeah. :man_shrugging: :cloud_with_rain:

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Its anti-optimization

This is how i feel about M+

No matter what, the gear will go obsolete, one way or another the dungeon will end, no matter what i do were only as strong as the weakest member.


That part is pretty fun. I think if I keep at it it will just be because there’s so many other players around.


It’s fun because the world isn’t dead

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Yeah I’m not super interested in the actual HC part. But its essentially a Classic Reset so its bustling again and that’s reason enough to play it for a little while.

But also, as someone who only cares about classic for the leveling experience to begin with, it’s not like HC is bad. It’s still focusing on the part of Classic I like. So whatever.

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maybe if it played more like Highlander


I just enjoy the added challenge of staying alive, as it makes me pay more attention to my surroundings and approach situations carefully where otherwise I might have just kept throwing my body at it until I finished.

That said, I level so slowly and am always looking around and enjoying the world, that HC just makes me pay slightly more attention than I would have been already. It’s mostly just something fun to do on the side, and I enjoy the more relaxed “death = delete” rule over the solo self-found stuff from the addon.

Plus, it encourages me to try out more stuff I might not have, just to have a few characters ready to take through whenever I either die on one, or just need a break to freshen up on another.


Nows the time basically while i’s hip and popular.

Was pretty cool seeing hundreds of people in the starting zones for launch.

Pretty fun for a little while.

Currently level 15 rogue.

The close calls can get the blood pumping.

Taking it slow can be pretty immersive in a way compared to speeding through leveling like in retail.


hardcore or as I like to call it “how reliable is your internet connection?”


HC should only exist for warriors and rogues

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Not with that attitude.

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I never got the appeal. But it is what it is.


cat knocked the router off the table?


drunk driver ran into a telephone pole?



There’s no real appeal if you dont like character deletion after death and starting at lvl 1. Don’t worry, hardcore games/modes have never appealed to most. I tried Minecraft hardcore once, was fun then never again. Just wasnt my thing.

To be fair the odds of you running into a “bug” that kills you are quite small. Sure you may lose connection but this is the same with any game that has hardcore. Most people tend to die before level 20. After 20 it gets easier, if you use the auction house or grouping then it’s even easier.

Anyone that judges others for games they play should look in a mirror. And for the record, when I do play it, I play it with other adult friends. Never played it with other kids so get a life and stop thinking MC is weird. If it doesn’t appeal to you, fine. But it appeals to me and my adult friends and we’ve never let a kid join us. They would only destroy everything and troll.

Also by your logic, anyone who plays a gun game like COD or Battlefield should never be allowed to own a gun. Think about how flawed that logic is.


Adds a bit of danger to an otherwise sort of toothless game world. I don’t know if perma death is the right thing, but it’s certainly a lot of fun to have some stakes. Wish they did an optional hardmode leveling for retail or something.

Remember when classic was coming, and all the classic acolytes kept telling everyone how hard it was going to be?

And then… it wasn’t?

This is their latest attempt to convince everyone how ‘hard’ vanilla was/classic is.


I saw ‘hardcore’ advertised and pretty much let out a huge guffaw.