I guess I don't get the appeal of hardcore

To me, the only appeal of HC is that for those of us who aren’t overpowered, fate favored super beings, our deaths come early on as most anything bigger than a house cat can probably kill us without a lot of trouble.

It’s like that scene in BFA where Anduin is watching all the coffins being unloaded at the docks – it’s the fate of the vast majority of us who go out adventuring. Or like all those trails in Tanaris that lead to broken wagons and bones; that’s how most of us would end in Azeroth reality.

its something to do in the middle of a lull. hardcore wasnt even touted as much but blizz decided to capitalize the talk in the now wrath classic forums. it’s just something to bridge us because retail is in a lull and wrath is about to get icc in a few months but i doubt hc is really gonna last that long lol.