I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Usually, if 1 dps messes up then they just die but in this season there are A LOT of bosses where 1 person can hurt the entire team

Soaking on Chromie (Last boss- Galakrand Fall)

Standing in the orb (Last boss- Muro Rise)

Bad roots placement (Tree boss- Everbloom)

People dropping gunk on top of boss(Council fight- Everbloom)

People getting stuck inside overlapping frozen orbs(Mage boss- Everbloom)


Spawning adds all over the place so people get surrounded (Second boss- TTOT)

All totems need to be killed at the same time (Totem boss- Ataldazar)

Soak blood puddles (Priest boss- Ataldazar)

And so many more

Well, you had friends. And I’m still around for you. Even if we haven’t talked in ages. Life’s been busy so I get it.

And it does make sense, because in this game, strangers don’t help others half the time.

WoW Made Easy, other Discords, Communities, etc help to get out of the toxicity of pugs.

If I don’t know a dungeon or raid, I’m not going to walk in blind with strangers. I know it’ll lead to a bad experience with pugs. It’s the unfortunate truth.

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Oh god, then yea soak in back was 100% the wrong answer to give considering the soak is in front of the boss lmao

Big circle stands on chromie, everyone else gets out

After big circle, everyone else stands on chromie, except tank who stands in front

I thought it was the 2nd wing where the 2 orbs fell and they needed someone to slow one


I’m SAYIN man

Yeah so I was standing behind the boss the whole time.

That was the back to me lol. The back of the boss.


Says the guy with Mantle of the Preserver on a warlock.


Like, I just assumed it was the other fight cuz that instruction is so wrong for Galakrond

I still 100% stand by the idea people should look up a mythic or w/e to have an idea of mechanics

But that guy was dead wrong on his explanation

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I generally do too but a +4 I’m not too miffed about.

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Wrong. Try again.

Did the world keep spinning? K

Going into an m+ of a dungeon without knowing basic general dungeon mechanics, no less the specific mechanics of a dungeon, is extremely disrespectful of the key holder. It’s not their job to teach you mechanics, it’s your job to do the dungeon on a lower difficulty to learn them yourself. This would be akin to hiring a painter to paint you a mosaic and the painter asking you to teach them how to paint after you hired them.


Well thanks for the responses everyone.

Even the toxic ones.

You guys are funny.

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All I’m saying is: pugs are toxic and you should never expect them to actually teach you anything, because most of the time, they won’t. It’s why I won’t pug. I’d rather not run the content than pug.

Posted your btag in our disc and told them the situation. You may get a random whisper or 2. They’re all good dudes with lots of game knowledge. One of them is even a top 5 ele sham NA! :joy:


Thanks for being awesome. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Soak- to absorb.
Back- behind.

Pretty simple terms my guy.

Literally means get hit by the attack behind the group.

Not all pugs are toxic, I’ve been pugging m+ since season 1

Being a good human is it’s own reward


Oh stop with your lies it’s pathetic haha