I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Here’s the thing … the point of M+ is to expand on dungeons into making them threatening. Normal and Heroic is there for you to run through and see the dungeon, get some loot, ignore everyone else. When you get to Mythic dungeons - mechanics matter! And this is in the region of Mythic to low M+, so like a +2 or +3. It is still not quite deadly yet, but mechanics matter and you are supposed to have at least opened up the dungeon journal and read through the flashnote.

No one expects anyone to be “studying” for it as ya’ll think it means to open up the journal. What folks expect of you in a M+ is that you are literate in terms of the dungeon - not that you can do it flawlessly. Sorry but, what you are asking for is Normal and Heroic dungeons where the dungeon is scenery and doesn’t matter. In Mythic and M+, the dungeon and its mechanics are supposed to matter and you have a responsibility to have a base level understanding.

Do the dungeon, watch a video, open up the journal, talk with people - anything like that. When folks don’t do that, you learn from it with personal experience instead but… you will upset other people and you have to be fine with that since what happened in this group will happen every so often.

I’m pretty sure this is just forum trolls who are looking for easy upvotes who say this. If folks want to talk they’ll just talk. Socializing means talking with others and engaging with other players, it doesn’t mean “you have to be the one talking with me about what I want you to talk with me about without me talking or saying anything to you”. Which seems to be what you think “socializing” means.

If you are new to M+, say that if you feel its important. If it ain’t, then don’t say it. If you don’t get a mechanic, do any of the things I mentioned before or experience it and learn from experience instead.
What the guy here did was make a forum thread saying “folks yelled at me” when he wiped the group. Instead of owning up that he did that and learn from it, all they did was run to the forum and ask for pity-points from people such as yourself.

Correct. What they did was fine. If they took a moment to learn from it, but they decided to not do that. Instead… “I got yelled at in a M+”, and they left out “because I wiped the group”. Them leaving that part out and implying the fault is on other people, that puts the fault back onto them. Because now it isn’t a case of “I screwed up and learned from it”, now it is a game of assigning blame onto people.

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He said he did communicate this. He did ask BEFORE the fight started, and “soak” I know means stand in something, but I’d probably stand in the wrong back and the wrong circle of color. I don’t dungeon because I’m way worse than this guy understanding terms. It takes less the 20 seconds to tell this guy where the soak was. Anyone could have told him. Were they all mute?

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If you havent played a lot of retail “soak” isnt common knowledge.

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Yes, you probably should’ve known what they meant by that.

No, it’s not the end of the world if someone didn’t do as good on a +4 as they wanted just because you didn’t know.

Learning “the hard way” is still learning, which is what matters more than anything before you start pushing higher keys. Salty folks because “inexperienced players in muh +4!!” will get over it. Now you know. That’s all that really matters from the end of that run onward for the rest of the season.

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Was it a learning group? If not, then no one is expected to play teacher in a pug. If you want to learn, then go with friends.


Yes, ty, I do. Just thinking from my limited dungeon use I wouldn’t know. Maybe he should’ve… idk enough, probably shouldn’t have jumped in. I just don’t like the lack of communication in a dungeon. thanks again

Given I was not there, it could have been everyone else fault, or it could have been Crudlord’s fault. I don’t make judgements based off one persons word alone.

Thread title and original comment could of been worded better I would say, given how it does come across. That being said, I read some of the following comments, and mentioned that this thread did in fact go as I figured it would.

Though that is not me complaining, as I do enjoy the different perspectives of people.

(Sips :milk_glass:)

It also takes less than 20 seconds to deplete a key

It also takes less than 20 seconds to read the mechanics of a boss


Is it? Two circles, one for tank in front, one bigger in the back. Soak in the back. Doesn’t really require a phd…

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Thank you, that was a great explanation…and will probably help me a lot if I ever choose to go that far

To be fair, chromie’s soak circle isn’t super obvious. It’s a dark brown that blends into the ground, and if you have no idea what to expect then it’s fair to assume that a new player would miss it. What would’ve been a bit more clear was “Stand on chromie with the big circle, after the big circle, and when she puts an orb on herself.”

Though typing this out in the heat of a M+ probably isn’t easy to do. Then again… it was a +4… not a +20… Perfectly fair to be ‘learning’ things in a +4…



I just take exception to placing the blame for failure on other people in the group :woman_shrugging:

oh well


I didnt blame anyone.

Simply stated that you can use simple language to teach someone since not everyone plays a lot of retail, and soak isnt common knowledge.


Yeah, it is.

Idk why you’re explaining the mechanic to me, I got it from just the description OP gave.

Well the tank could of just said: “Stand in the circle behind me.” Using jargon to some one who already said they didn’t know the fight is not helpful.


Thank you!

Not really.

At the back of the room? At the back of the boss? At the back of the group?


This is such a terrible attitude.

Sure, you shouldn’t do +18s or whatever without knowledge, but you shouldn’t expect people to watch videos for +10s or lower, there’s enough leeway for learning in those.

Part of the problem with WoW’s community is everyone expects you to have experience before you can get experience.


Again, if it’s not listed as a teaching group, no pug is obligated to do as such. You run with friends if you want to learn.



There’s plenty of room in a +4 to make mistakes and learn, people need to chill.