I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Was it a booboo from m+ affixes or boss mechanics booboo?

This one was the booboo

Either read up before hand or ask at the beginning prior to the key starting. You are trying to beat the timer, not stop and explain every fight before each pull.

You trying to shame the tank for your mistake

Your schtick is over guy.

You’re embarrassing yourself now.

Idk bro whenever I make booboos I say sorry and 4 others say “no problem” and we go again. Even as the tank where my death usually means wipe.

You can have several total wipes and still +2 or +3 most keys under 16 if your dps is decent.

Nah. Youre just trying too hard…projection maybe?

At first i tried to level with you and gave you the benefit of the doubt but the more you went on the more and more you slipped away from actual discussion and points and more towards ad honinem until you were straight insulting people.

Im not the one embarrassing myself. Ill admit i was in the wrong as soon as you show the details from.the run

Just the deaths and thr dps meter will suffice


Still trying huh.

And heres where you show your projection

What am i trying?

Uh yeah if a +4 is getting bricked tempers are probably high as it sounds like no one there was very experienced or skilled.

It also means there’s a good 30-40minutes of story preceding this event that could explain everything.

Here are my suggestions, you can either:

  • keep learning in low keys but know some people get upsetti spaghetti if there are 3,000 mistakes and an easy key gets broken

  • study the ingame journal or external sources

  • drop down to heroic and ask questions where there isn’t a timer present


Would actually be cool for the bots to be macro’d to state straightforward mechanics/what to do. Would help people familiarize themselves with the dungeon.



Im just going to keep doing what Im doing.

Joined a guild too for normal raid Saturday, leading into heroic.

Gonna be good times.


Or it would be a repeat of OPs example.or many other runs where you just let everyone else (AIs) deal with mechanics and you take evetything off your bars except for your 4 damaging abilities

Only those wanting to familiarize themselves will.

Cant train people to have ambition sadly

I’m legit losing my mind that people are losing their mind over “omg why didnt you learn the dungeon before running it” for a key under a 10.

Do you guys get this frothy when someone doesn’t know LFR fights?


Most of these M+ dungeons are boring enough. Almost feels as if I’m playing an ARPG like Diablo.

And you want me to watch YOUTUBE videos on top of forcing myself to do these M+ dungeons that are just rehashes of the same dungeons we’ve been doing a billion times but with “new” mechanics. Or should I say mechanics they held back so they can slowly add them in to M+ to make it look like some kind of progression.

The only time I’ve seen people lose their minds in lfr are when hard-required tank swaps are missed or where it’s a personal responsibility check like Durumu

Only if you’re struggling with the fights. Otherwise, just don’t do them. I don’t think anyone will care.

I honestly have no clue what you are talking about here.


youve done them a billon times and still dont know mechanics?


You need to run like a 0 or a +2 to +4
Jumping into a higher key and not doing mechanics can wipe a group. Probably wont be lethal on a 2 but even on like a 10 can still wipe a group