I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Everyone likes to claim this, but remember. Theres people out there looking at your 10s and 15s and seeing it in the same light youre lookingk at this 4

You wouldn’t be happy with someone bricking your 15 when to them its equivalent to this 4 now wouls you?

And no one has to use outside sources. The game gives you everything you need to know

Its human interaction. Youre not exactly being pleasant and bubbly to everyone youre choosing to interact with either now are ya? Some people are passionate about different things. I enjoy sports, but i dont let the outcome of a game affect my mood. Yet millions of people do

What have i made up?

Hes a troll.

Hes making stuff up off the top of his head and stating it as fact.

He’s 100% a troll.

Right right, because being nice to people that are verbally abusive is exactly what you are suppose to do. And is exactly the same as being some rando yelling at people because they made an error.

This is totally equivalent.


My kids also used to throw temper tantrums though when they played games, ya know. Back when they was 5.

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Its an easy claim because a +4 is objectivly easier than a +10 or +15 no matter how you look at it. It is also still within the entry stages of M+ being very close to M0.

Nobody would argue that a +10 or higher is entry level, and nobody would argue that you could compete in those without the required knowledge to finish the run.

Also…if he died 1 time as my top DPS because I chose not to explain a mecanic to him, no, i wouldnt be mad. That would be my fault. In addition to that if i wanted a know it all on a +4 i wpuld have included kwtd.


Where’s the verbal abuse??? and actually yes, in order to deescalate a situation youre supposed to remain calm and collective.

Youre not making any points. It doesnt matter what it is over, temper tantrums continue well into late age. All depends on the person. You may want to get your kids into therapy though, as thats early signs of anger issues. Just a friendly PSA

Yes, but this wasnt based on objectice reasoning. This was based on relativty to the people making claims. “I consider”. Cool. What you consider easy others may not. What they consider easy you may not.

Its in the eye of the beholder. Someone at 480 ilvl isnt going to notice a difference between a 4 or a 10 for example. Regardless of one being easier or not.

Big “IF”. Im still waiting for him to show the proof of this. And its not a ridiculous request, ive got screenshots still saved from SL on explosives week showing multiple runs of me having 75% or more of the orbs, top interrupt, top damage and lowest damage taken when people said i was just making up statistics to fit my narrative

I don’t understand why this is over 700 replies tbh.

You made a whoopsydaisy and then learned what to do next time, right? I don’t get what the big deal is.

I learn by taking dirt naps too sometimes

Nope. His own words. He still didnt learn even after the dungeon had ended. Amd that was at LEAST his 4th time through that dungeon…

When all these things add up, questions start to arise

Yep exactly.

Trolls just came in and made stuff up off the top of their head.

Hilarious really.

Shows what you know, temper tantrums is normal childish behavior, young’uns often behave in such a manner until they are taught or learn otherwise. In adults though it’s problematic.

Anyways, it’s a game, it’s not your life, it isn’t going to physically hurt you, the worst case scenario you lost a few moments of your time. It’s not a big deal and if you are throwing temper tantrums over it and hurling insults at people. Then well…

And might want to get

I made a booboo.
You shouldn’t have made the booboo.
You should know the fights so you don’t make a booboo.
You should know the fights before you do the fights so you don’t make a booboo.
Ok. So how do I learn then so I no do booboo?
Go watch a random video that won’t really help you no do booboo.
Ok. The video didn’t really help me not do a booboo because there is no replacement for actual experience of not doing boo-boos.
Know the fight before you do the fight so you no do a booboo.
Ok. So how do I learn the fight without doing the fight so I no do a booboo?
By knowing the fight.



HAHAHA my god.


Kiper and Ack are, Kiper with a record of doing so.


Hey now, dont look at me. I have yet to hurl an insult anyones way and also have yet to lose sleep over a video game. Im not the one who went all ad hominem on everyone lol

If its your fault, yes. Why is it okay to gloss over fault? Tbh thats a don’t be so sensitive thing. If you mess up, you don’t just hurt yourself. Thats 4 other people that now suffer from your mistake.
Something a lot of these comments forget about.

By doing the dungeon that has all the mechanics in it that isnt timed so you can take as many chances as needed without hindering anyones progression

Yeah no im just going to skip that and play victim when people tell me im wrong :ok_hand:

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Every single dungeon and raid I have ever done has been learned on the fly. There is zero reason you should have to go outside of a game and watch a video to learn mechanics. The player that didn’t explain the fight to you is the real reason for the failure because they had the knowledge at their finger tips and did not share it. Probably because they were looking at the timer.

What does determining fault here achieve?

You’re not going to retroactively time that key.

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in that case then I’ll stop engaging, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt as difference of opinion isn’t always trolling. Just assumed they was defending the behavior because they themselves act that way.

The funniest part is how the key was already busted when I made my 1 single mistake.