I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

When someone in this context says they were “yelled at” I always have to wonder what that means. Like if you’re in voice coms it can be tedious to turn your incoming down. But if its not voice coms its pretty confusing to see people so affected by people typing in all caps.

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He just said soak in the back and when I wiped he called me the worst rogue ever cuz he was mad.

Waiting for you to show us - you claimed to have a dps meter - it holds all of that.

I have yet to say this. But you keep bringing it up. I’m just going to take this as an affirmation of guilt at this point.

This mentality (when there’s literally an m0 for learning reasons) is why people claim there’s a bar to entry for m+ when people don’t want to take anyone without prior knowledge in the field.

Why take the new guy “wanting to learn” when the 4th time through, he still doesn’t know what he’s doing, when i can take the guy who’s run it 6 times on higher difficulties?

Keys are for pushing. Not learning. M0 is for learning

Yes, mistakes happen. Not knowing a mechanic because you never cared to learn about it before hand is not a mistake. Ignorance is not a defense nor a reasonable explanation. It’s simply negligence, which puts you at fault.

So did you or did you not know about the mechanic?

So you didn’t. That’s going in blind.

Been this way since i started back in the beginning of Wrath.

Simply put into negative connotation because “caps are bad” for some reason. Hell, it’s okay for the OP to make a mistake by being ignorant, but it’s not okay for the tank to make a mistake by accidentally having caps on while he’s trying to run a dungeon.

Double standards much?

Worst rogue ever? No. Bad? Sure

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Youre full of crap bud.

Nice try.

This is all based off of the things you’ve said.

Like I said, I like to uncover the truth

This thread got out of control fast.

Nah you’re just full of crap lol.

Again, nice try.

I see now.

Youre free to prove me wrong witb quoted evidence if you’d like

M+ aren’t learning dungeons though regardless of +.
And if you don’t know mechanics, why wouldnt you take 5 minutes to look them up just for the sake of the group?
Why waste 4 other peoples time because you don’t know?

Why did you expect them to teach you? Thats not how pug m+ works. Its YOUR responsibility to come prepared and learned. Not rely on randoms to teach you.

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Dungeon Journal yo

Actually, when someone says they are new to M+, it is now YOUR job to decide whether or not you want to continue with them in your group.

Your call.

Live with your decision.

Also, there were at least 5-6 wipes leading up until that point caused by the healer and the balance druid, so it’s not as if my one single wipe near the end of the run did anything.

I wiped us after we had already broken the key anyways.

I just thought it was funny he says “soak in the back” when I ask him to explain what to do lol.

Soak in the back “charges in”. Like ok dude! Good talk!

people need to chill and not expect people to learn mechanics by watching youtube or go to some website. SMH this community can be complete junk sometimes. People play the game to play the game not go watch someone else play the game or read an instruction manual on how to play the game. Just let people learn the natural way without stroking out on them for it.


You also can’t get mad when people rage on you for failing either.

Generally speaking, back usually means behind the group. Like far side would be across the room.

Tbh I go in blind a lot, but I have a lot of experience under my belt. Usually reading the dungeon guide is more than enough.

Read through the mechanics in like 30 seconds. Tank says soak in the back. You know what you are supposed to soak. Even if you dont know what it quite looks like yet.

Are we honestly going to defend raging behavior?

someone rages at you, you can get mad, and should. And if the rage is bad enough reporting them should be a thing too because verbal abuse is not okay.

Also, not one time did I get mad lol.

These people are hilarious.

I agree. You want to make a thread talking about how people should not advance into m+ until theyre confident they can deal with every mechanic?

Are we honestly going to defend intentional ignorance negligence?


it’s a game. being nasty to people over a game is literally one of the most ridicules things you can do.


And people wonder why there is a push for solo content progression.

Nobody should have to use an external source to learn the fights. Also, its a +4, not a +10 or +15.

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He’s a troll making stuff up.

Pretty funny actually.

I doubt they are trolls, there is just a lot of people with a lot of poor sportsmanship and gaming habits. real anti-social sorts, and not in the I don’t like being around people meaning.