I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

That’s a really cool mog

Not to be rude, but… are you joking? Do you think anything lives long enough to actually learn anything in a heroic dungeon? Even in a +0 things just melt. There are only a few rare mechanics that actually cause a wipe at those levels, but the vast majority of the time you can brute force past them. Let alone the subtler mechanics that you don’t even realize are there until +15’s and up when you even start to notice that ‘Hey… that dot HURTS!’ or ‘Oh… I guess I can’t run through that…’ or ‘Oh wow… I definitely have to use a defensive for that’ or ‘Oh I better interrupt that or the healer will get silenced.’

Not to mention the fact that the rewards structure of the game vaults you past heroic and mythic +0 dungeons ludicrously quickly. It’s only logical to step past them.

Heck when I CE raided back in BfA I didn’t even see what some of the mechanics of the HEROIC RAID were because we killed the bosses so fast. I had to relearn them for my casual learning raid group even though I had already killed those exact same bosses.

From what I’ve read of the thread the confusion was about… where to soak. Not what a soak mechanic is.

It’s mindblowing to me that you can’t understand that saying “soak at the back” isn’t enough of an explanation of how to defeat the end boss of Galakronds Rise. He didn’t need a dissertation on the boss… but he was requesting more than a completely useless sentence that actually is vague and flat out wrong if interpreted differently.

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people are saying Soak is to absorb, but to me Soak means all the group need to get together and share the damage.

At the back of the room is usually in reference to where you just came from or the edge of the room. Where you just came from, if there’s a door, that would be the back. The front is going further inside the dungeon.

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He’s not - again, he’s got M+ experience in both SL and DF

I wasn’t the one doing this lol

…Yes. So as I said, Shadowlands.

At that level of key, I’m with you. Thats where I go to learn. If I want to start at like a 10 or higher, I might watch a video. But that being said, at some point it becomes toxic to show up unprepared. But I don’t think that’s in a +4. You should be prepared in the sense that you understand your character and it’s abilities quite well. But the environment? Not in a 4.

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In fairness, I did bring it up to point out he’s new. Which he is.

It seems like you’re saying he’s skipping a learning phase by doing a +4. I think you will struggle to find people who agree a +4 is a challenging key where people need to do homework before completing it. To me, a +4 is on the lower end of a learning key, even


Even if it’s early in season, if you complete a +2 you’ll most likely get a +5 right after. +4 keys are rare, but they’re definitly for the more casual players.

I personally never do anything above 5 on my alts because I want to relax in my M+… I’m surprised people get toxic below 10.

so if i just start raiding in DF even though ive played since Legion fairly consistently, im a new player?

Man the lengths you go to to try to be right lol

He did. And as a result, was one shot because of it

Clearly not. This entire thread is full of them. Although not discussing anything about “challenging”

Actually…he is. Fortnight live event this weekend has even my kid willing to wake up early to see because of TZ.

that event and skin got some hype around it.

What were you doing in Legion?

You’re delirious if you think running a dungeon on the Heroic difficulty setting would in almost anyway teach you about the fights. As an FYI, when I tank Heroic Ruby Life Pools for my free bag… that’s 3 pulls. Can guarantee you that not a darn thing is learned in there that would help you in anyway as to how to ACTUALLY defeat the dungeon.


There it is

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Soak = stand in something (usually a circle with swirlies)
Back = in the back of something

i would advise watching a Youtube video before doing a M+ key you don’t know the mechanics, there’s a lot of good 3min videos out there that teach you everything you need to know

Didn’t you know you only learn by succeeding?

Yes and no. There are abilities in mythic that’s not present on heroic. But I do on occasion jump into heroic to test things out.

Doesnt matter. If im new to a specific type of content, im a new player regardless of how long ive been playing. According to your logic.

Depends on quite a few variables. You’re familiar with Ruby Life Pools. You’ve got the gear to solo it. If I had just leveled and was sitting about level 400 and never run DoI before, my first reaction isn’t “i’ll just bomb someones key and learn as I go”…when there’s mythic 0 that will teach me.

I said there’s steps. Heroic you can run while leveling and it gives you the basics for when you hit max level in which you can run m0 to pick up on the things Heroic left out. Again, this isn’t really much of an issue for us who’ve been playing for 6-10 years and used to the m+ cycle.

I’ve never denied he skipped a learning phase. I never touched on difficulty though. There’s nothing difficult about 1 shot abilities.

Well he didn’t learn by seeing it first hand, or watching the rest of the fight while he laid dead, or the other 2 times he succeeded.

The the dungeons need to be massively buffed on normal/heroic.

They need to have enough HP so that you can actually see the mechanics, and said mechanics need to do a non-negligible amount of damage.

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Don’t you hate that logic? Everyone learns differently. Some learn by watching a video, others can grasp the gist of things by reading, others, like myself and possibly you OP (from what I gather by reading your posts), learn best when actually DOING the thing. Unfortunately a good majority of WoW players feel as if you should know everything before stepping into any dungeon or raid. This attitude has made dungeons and raids very not fun for me for quite some time now.

There’s a reason I haven’t done current content dungeons or raids for YEARS since my guild fell apart. I’m perfectly content doing them when I can solo them, and spending my time doing what I find fun.