I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means


Good luck.

You sound very defensive on this. People here were not on the run and we dont know what really happened on that key. But as per your OP the conversation we are having is when you didnt soak at all. Everything else is irrelevant

It was, but as GD does, the entire run became OP’s fault. So of course he’s defensive.

If anything it speaks volumes that no one even knew if the run was timed or not until looked up. :person_shrugging:

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If someone wants to try to act like I did the worst thing ever and wasted everyones time and all that, of course Ill stand up for myself.

I made one single mistake.

It aint the end of the world.

Ill make plenty more and more people will yell.

Watch a quick youtube video, it doesnt take long. Shows what quality player you are…a bad one that refuses to watch a quick guide.

When one says “i was the only one doing everything right, everyone else is at fault”, it’s usually the OPs fault


Doesn’t matter if it was timed or not. OP is complaining about being “yelled” at for not knowing what to do. Which is entirely the OPs fault.

And how do we know it was only 1. How do we know you were the best dps in the group? How can we tell if everyone else died as many times as you claim while you went on to survive unerringly?

The mentality and story telling of “I wasn’t the problem here” is usually an inverted version of the truth and it usually comes out at one point or another. You can thank history and many many sample points for GDs reaction

I mean maybe maybe not on that mechanic he failed on. But I can’t really see why him eating the floor at +4 would cause a wipe unless everyone in the group is doing crap dmg.

Again I’m not on the run. I only see what you said. But acting defensive isn’t really how I would go about in this occasion. Saying

would only make it look bad on you as the other 4 people in your party isn’t here to defend themselves.

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I’ll wait for you to quote that ever actually being said.

Almost nothing you’ve said matters. OP is complaining about lingo he didn’t know.

There’s no world, even with a 394 tank, that failing that mechanic once is the sole reason that run is ruined.

I’d say not enough dps at the end for the burn since they’re now 4 manning the last boss and didnt break the shield on time where they’d wipe

I edited to say that run. A 4.

I think you’ve gotten the wrong idea about what the post was about. :confused:

I really dont care what you believe man lol

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So why are you jumping to the defense of the key being timed or not?

No one is claiming that. But when details are left out and you just label the tank as being a jerk for “yelling” at you without any other context (and then finding out the run was ruined), you can only go off the details you have since we don’t get a nice recording of the run

I’m not. I was curious, so I looked it up. Mostly because him saying he was top DPS and hadn’t died until failing that mechanic set you and a bunch of other GD white knights on the warpath against OP.

This is why I looked it up.

well OP’s post is about failing a mechanic at the last boss. Now that I think about it 2 things could have happen. The tank in front and everyone else at back soak mechanics is done because you need to protect Chromie. If she died there for lack of soak then you wipe. If not then then might be at the end w/ having just 4 people in the group didnt have enough dps to break the shield which cause the wipe as well.

It’s mostly about how he had no clue what soak meant.

That has since been cleared up, now it’s the Ackhealme and Snowpine argue about whether or not OP is Hitler show.

My entire group was a mid tier group, with a mix of inexperience and undergeared players.

Nobody wasted anyones time.

I just didnt know any of the lingo, and using said lingo is not a good way to teach someone.

Also, if youre creating a group and someone says theyre new, expect them to be inexperienced.

If you explain a fight with lingo and they say “what?” Expect a wipe.

It’s what Mormon couples say to each other when they are not yet married. :crazy_face:

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And you want to talk about being disingenuous

Being inexperienced and being completely clueless to how the game works is two entirely different things.

I’m inexperienced to the DoI dungeon. But I know what soak means

It’s not lingo. Soak is not exclusive to MMORPG gaming mechanics.

Brother, the first 100 posts are free to read. No extra charge.

I am not clueless to how the game works.

It’s one mechanic.

I think you got an issue.