I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

You can come too you know.

on one hand I agree.

on the other hand this is why I’ve completely checked out of M+

it’s so weird to have a dungeon system that separate from heroic that you can’t practice in.

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A lot of people in this thread need to learn a thing or two about PPC.

You have me laughing :smiley:

This is one of the many reasons M0 should be LFG queueable or they should add the seasons mythic roster into the heroic queue.

You stated you ran this dungeon at this level key (or higher before) before w/no issues correct?

Yes I did.

A 4 or 5, and the 6 might have been this one or it was the Rise section cant remember it was last week.

Yes, “soak in the back” makes perfect sense after an actual description is given.

If I don’t know the mechanics, I ask. 100% of the time, I get a nice explanation not unlike your description here.

But if someone just told me to “soak in the back,” I’d ask again.

They should be queueable up to +5, with each one requiring higher ilvl.

Can’t agree with that one. Queues should never hit keystone levels.

So when someone else gets the soak mechanics or the circles, etc is that visible to everyone in the group or just the person who it is affecting?

i think to avoid problems, the tank coulda said: i soak front circle, everyone else soaks back circle. Instead op caused a wipe and decided to turn this into a commentary on how everyone who runs m+ is a jerk because they don’t give a 200 page dissertation on every mechanic.

Ngl i’m not convinced this scenario even happened and op just made this up for the sheer sake of seeing people argue.

Are there any add ons that tell you when something is happening, like when to soak or for example the new raid Lorodar, when you need to run and hide behind that rock?

I think the issue w/ this is when you’re in the fight you can’t simply be stopping and typing. You have such a small window to do the mechanics then you wipe

Tanks should have macros with full explanations of every part of the encounter so they can readily teach while doing the fight.

Especially when you’re a 394 ilvl tank trying to gear by spamming +2s instead of just doing the catchup.


yeah i was like 99% sure you were a troll and this confirmed it

Sorry but not my job as a tank to teach people.

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It’s called having fun 500 replies into a thread.

Do you know how to have fun?

It was the feigning ignorance part, again, that got me. I run dps meters but dont run DBM or Wigs or anything lol