I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

It’s ok. I added him, I’ll drag you along with me when we run.


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Yeah I guess I can see how that one is both a soak and a find shelter.

The player has to find shelter with chromie.
But chromie is actually soaking the damage.

Carry me senpai <3

OP has played the dungeon before.
OP has played WoW before
OP has played WoW before with soak mechanics
OP has played WoW before in M+ with soak mechanics

This is a whole “the sun was in my eyes” excuse.

Nah, the adventure guide doesn’t tell you when and where and how to deal with it. Just what it is. I don’t need to pay attention to which soak mechanic it is, unless there’s two soak mechanics that are constantly swapping places. But that’s not the case

My question is, if he’s so good: why was Cheat Death on CD? :stuck_out_tongue:

Send me your btag so I can make sure there’s absolutely no chance I’m ever grouped with you…


You’re just a toxic troll that doesn’t deserve another second of the op’s time.

You very clearly take the game way too seriously and I honestly feel sorry for you.

This used to happen to me frequently back in (Battlefield) 1942. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seemingly every time I tried to warn my team about troop movements, someone would show up while I was typing and I’d get killed because I had to fumble to get my hands in the correct position.

At the time, I used a default WASD setup like most people presumably do, but had to switch my hand position when typing.

I eventually realized that this was a mistake.

I know how to type, and the correct position of your hands on a keyboard for typing is ASDF, not CAPS ASD (that’s why those little notches exist on the F and J keys :wink: ). I realized if I placed my hands on ASDF, I could use ESDF for movement instead of WASD, and not only would I be able to hit more buttons easily, but my pinky wouldn’t end up resting on the useless Caps Lock and I would be able to swap to and from typing messages in chat without moving my left hand.

So now, every game I play that has WASD by default gets remapped to ESDF.

And the more I think about it, the more it astounds me that WASD is still a thing. :sweat_smile:

I mean considering they failed a +4 then my bet is it’s a crap show of a run. And right at the end temper tends to flair. I dont believe the OP is fully at fault on the entire run as it’s a group activity afterall.

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Or the DOI achievement but thats useless now

Agreed. I just like to point at his “i was the best thing to happen to that group” mentality when he’s admitting to not doing mechanics and then being butt hurt about it

Yet you assume OP “should” know things that other players know because of a false correlation based, again, on an assumption. So because they played the game and dungeon before, they should have this assumed knowledge you demand of them. Seems like the sun is projecting through the eyes in this case.

I mean my default rest point on my finger is WAD and spacebar for my thumb. I think every gamer is the same. In the office you can easily tell who game and who doesn’t simply by looking at where they put their finger at rest

An assumption? You can go look at when he’s played and what he’s played.

Yes. That’s how it works. That’s how the world works.

can confirm

I never said I was the best.

But I wasnt the worst and I wasnt the sole reason the key failed.

Chill out there bud.

LOL, if only

i think the issue is how its worded. it’s the ‘at the back’ part i think.
at the back of what exactly lol. could be room, boss, some pillar.
dunno if theyre that bad just report and move on.

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Never said you were the sole reason. I’ve said this multiple times. It’s starting to sound like a guilty conscience the more you unheedingly bring it up. You did claim to be the best though.

You only get so many chances to get things right before you’re no longer given the chance. So yeah, only.

Me and the Op about to absolutely crush some keys later. I bet he ends up with a better M+ score than you!! :joy:

And do you know why? Because they’re not a jerk. :joy:

I’m gonna do my best to make them a better player than you just out of spite.

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I’ll soak the crap out of every attack the boss throws at us!

Wait oh no


Do you know what happens when we fail a key right?

We simply…go again! :joy:

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i doubt it but okay

that would be swell actually