I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Theres 2 sides.

I can easily say choose your group more wisely when using your key.

He invited me, I said I was new to M+.

It’s nobodies fault, this stuff is gonna happen

yea notice that snap. It was pretty funny. Had a healer raging the other day because of that


When your going into a keystone it’s common courtesy to at least watch a 5 minute video that explains all the mechanics if you are unfamiliar. People will cry and say “oh you shouldn’t have to go out of the game for information” but the truth is that mindset only works with guildies or players you know. Pugging is supposed to be quick and easy, everyone should ideally know what they are doing to offset the cost of not being coordinated.

Soak mechanics are where everyone has to stand together and it splits the damage…if someone is off by themself they get 1-shot. But yeah, you don’t do M+ if you don’t know all the fights. Have the courtesy to your fellow players to learn the fights in heroic or even regular mythic first. Otherwise you’re just wasting their keystone.

I was healing a +2 the other day and 2 of the DPS had 430-ish level gear and would get smashed constantly. I asked if I was healing badly and the response from the tank with 1.3m health who hardly took any damage the entire dungeon was “Lol no its just not knowing the encounters”.

I was somewhat happy about this, but also figured someone could have said what to do and where to stand. I suspect he felt he could just solo it all if he really needed to so didnt need to spend his time explaining anything.

I’m kinda this way. I don’t get mad at people, but I am a god awful teacher, so I’ll just head down and do what I gotta do.


Well OP asked what the terms meant that lead to his confusion getting one shot. He did say he “asked, what” and the tank started the fight before he got an answer.

This was after multiple wipes from what i gather. I think many are getting hung up on the tittle of the thread having the words “i got yelled at.”

Truth is, people complain all the time whether justified or not. Sometimes its cathartic for them, sometimes its because of internal issues or they genuinely were confused and frustrated. Why put so much emphasis on it. There are people out there failing mechanics on purpose and trolling while OP is trying to learn. All he’s getting is accusations that and calls for them to admit that they went in not knowing 100% every mechanic and were at fault. 10% OP’s fault, 10% the tanks fault, and 80% Blizzards fault imo.

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That’s not doing mechanics. Ignorance isnt an excusable excuse. Especially when it’s one shotting you.

What response are you wanting? And no i didn’t know that. I just prepare myself and know what to do with the mechanics so I’ve never had to stop in the heat of battle to decipher which circle it is.

My experience isn’t hidden.

I’ve already alluded to this.

You also said this was at the end boss. Wrong time to speak up.

Then why are you here crying about it on the forums?? It’s mind boggling really

After youre in the dungeon and things are going badly is a bad time to step up and be like “hey i dunno what i’m doing” - taking the proper steps would have been to do so at the beginning

Best time was before the dungeon sure, but this was the second best time to ask.

So being disingenuous, heard thanks for the confirmation, chief.

It is literally the only excuse for a mistake that is excusable. You cannot know something you don’t know, which is self-evident.

But you’re going to try and highroad me? :joy:

I said I was new at the start.

I say that in literally every group I join.

Most times people say “so are we” and we have a good time.


What’s the 3rd soak?

The tank soak in front
The group soak in back

There’s a breath and spread

There’s a big circle that goes on top of chromie, I consider that a “find shelter”

There’s also the end when the whole group needs to “find shelter”

You already said this. If you see it that way, I don’t really have a rebuttal. :person_shrugging:

Well you never replied so I was looking for a response in case I was missing a mechanic.

Ty for confirming. Didn’t mean to offend.

“Find shelter” and “soaks” can be pretty similar

Second best would have been when you’re pulling up to the boss.

It’s not being disingenuous. You can bullrush through mechanics when you can survive them. He obviously could not.

Not knowing what you’re doing before the dungeon, or even after you’ve run the dungeon multiple times is not excusable though. That’s the difference

Yeah, because I think you’re blowing fluff.

Sorry for that, then.

Okay. Stay clueless. :person_shrugging:

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← knows the mechanics.

I think you need to throw that towards your little rogue friend you’re trying to defend

Sounds like they did just that

Group was up to boss after the healer wipe, OP says he doesn’t know fight and tank just says in all caps “SOAK AT THE BACK” and pulls starting the fight with no time for clarification. Tank assumed everyone is familiar with mmo lingo therefore being at fault through a faulty assumption.

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When you have them explicitly told to you. However you’re basically admitting you aren’t paying attention outside of that.

Here’s my advice for you OP. Look at this as a learning experience. Sometimes people dont intentionally type in all caps. It’s so easy to click on you caps lock considering that our fingers are rested on QWE or WAD on our keyboard. Rather than complaining here look at death recap after you died and see what cause the death and a simple search in google will tell you what the ability that has killed you and learn the next time to do it properly.