I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Exactly, and you even took the time to ask what you did wrong.

Now you know and I’m sure it won’t happen again. People are just so toxic these days.

If you take the time to learn the mechanics before hand, you’ll understand the terminology easy enough. You’re grasping at straws.

“i don’t know what he means by soak, but i know i’m supposed to stand in this”…

I’m not angry at all. I’m quite entertained that your feelings got hurt because you think someone yelled directly at you.

The tank didn’t single you out. The tanked called out a mechanic. All caps doesn’t mean anything, as others have pointed out, caps lock happens to get hit in the heat of battle. Unless he’s constantly stopping and taking the time to chat in the dungeon, it’s very easy to miss.

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Then why do you care about a 4 and if it is no big deal, then why are you here moaning and groaning on the forums. Move on and find another key.

You have no idea what this 400ilvl tank meant.

In all honesty, the op was carrying the tank.

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Can you provide any data that shows he was carrying the tank?
I’ll wait…

Deadass carrying, at that ilvl difference.

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He was top dps and the tank was just over 400 ILVL.

It’s pretty damn obvious

My feelings werent hurt at all lol what?

Not really.
I’ve seen many people in high ilvl not able to do anything.

If you don’t know what soak in the back means, then I’d say chance are high you don’t know how to play your rotation correctly either.

I think its fine to be learning in a +4 or so. I will say it can be extremely frustrating when a mechanic MUST be done correctly or everyone dies, do not pass go, do not collect $200, and someone isn’t doing it correctly. Iridikrons soak is one of those. Other examples would be someone not knowing to kite the golem into the rocks on dargrul, or whoever has the chandelier on kaal not using it.

He was top dps…















According to Raider io the tank was actually 394.

Prove its not true.

OP doesn’t seem to be a troll and his intentions seem pure.

Innocent until proven guilty in my book.

So, let me get this straight:

Enters a dungeon + Doesn’t know the mechanics + Receives a negative reaction from the team + iT’s JuSt A 4 = Everyone else’s fault?

People seem to enjoy wasting others’ time.


Provide it is true. I asked for data to prove it and said I’ll wait…

BTW: this is not a court of law so that does not apply here.

You didn’t read everything. He made 1 mistake. Tank was severely undergeared. He told them he was new…

What more do you need?

Yes but remember
He was top dps
Healers were bad
Tank was bad
but he got kicked.

I’ll believe whoever the hell I want to believe. If you want data, go dig it up yourself :joy:

To be competent

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