I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

It’s how it’s designed, and the main point that you missed (surprise) is that it’s not a type of dungeon you explore the game through.

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It’s funny because dps matters to the timer. The time that was lost was probably an equalization of the time he saved by doing top dps.

I didn’t say it did. I explained why I said what I did.

Sounds like homie rolled up in mid tier season 1 gear.

Random players go in expecting you to know what the hell is going on. It’s on the player to ask what is up if they persist in going without prior knowledge. Not try to learn mid fight.

Low keys aren’t competitive and idk if I’ve ever seen anyone not time a +4.

It’s a freebie.

You claimed he didn’t know what he was doing because he was 402 in a 4 key…which implies that you’re correlating his ilvl to skill/knowledge.

The tanks gear, abilities or anything else is not the issue.

You are learning a fight on someone else’s key and that is the issue. If you want to learn a fight, learn on your own key. It gives you no right dismiss his key or whatever level the key was.

You thinking a 4 key is not anything does not mean the person’s key whom it belonged to didn’t think it was important.

I am beginning to see why you might have been kicked.

“You should look up a video/guide/how to” Last I checked, I logged on WoW to play WoW… But ya unfortunately the game doesn’t give you a big enough tell and after experience with this just last night with a group of RL friends, it was stressful. We did do lower keys eventually to help learn the fights but even then. You can rinse and repeat and live with the stress if you want to learn, sometimes it will eventually work out. However if you’re sensitive and don’t want to live with that stress, perhaps take the time to watch something before doing it.

I said it reaffirms my belief.

What I know;

He’s 402, getting mad at someone for not knowing a mechanic in a +4.

You can be higher than 402 from-nothing by taking 20 minutes to do the introductory Dream questline.

If you get that catchup gear, you can guarantee you’re overgeared for a +4.

I am usually a pretty sensitive person when I see people being piled on - I don’t like it.

But in my view this player being told that in M+ you should Google fights before you join pugs seems reasonable. Is that not the expectation today in anything more than “guided tour to see the story” level content?

That said, at least the guy came here to ask about the phrase - so there some serious hope there.

I don’t see any bullies nor a victim.

Just a guy motivated to prepare more in the future and I see nothing wrong with that. No matter what the key level is - the key owner sponsoring access to the run should be respected.


If this was something real with real value in the world I’d tend to agree but it’s not. It’s a video game. It’s something we do for fun. If you want to be an eSport champion, go form a group of like minded people.

But if you are joining a PUG, it’s time to drop the elitiest attitude and play with the players you get. If they are better than you, learn from them. If they are not as good as you, teach them.

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I’ve been in a m0 Sanguine Depths that got abandoned because we couldn’t get past 2nd boss. Some people are way in over their heads.

Timing dungeons, not dying, and playing well are all things that are fun for a lot of us.

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Sheesh…that’s rough. I guess it’s possible but at that point all you really need is average dps to clear it.

But the Rogue is 437 and didn’t know piddly.

Gear =/= knowledge or skill. Being overgeared for something doesn’t stop you from screwing up and wasting peoples time

I’m going to quote myself, since I don’t like repeating myself.

If you’re getting mad over a +4 key, you are fundamentally a part of the problem with the key.

K first of al I didnt waste anyones time.

The healer wiped us like 4 times forgetting to heal Chromie, and the other dps died constantly every fight.

I wiped us once at the end because we finally got to that part without dying and I had no idea what soak.at the back meant.

We didnt get the key because of the group as a whole, not my one single wipe.

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Lets break it down there homie,

Soak. Place a dry towel and a tub full of water, what happens? The towel soaks up the water.

The back. Usually the backside, or behind.

In conclusion, soak it in the back would mean. Soak the mechanic behind the boss.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Great, so form a group of like minded people. Form a guild. Talk among each other, decide how you want to play and go for it.

But if you decide to jump into a random PUG (Pick Up Game) then play with who you get. Don’t be the person who makes life miserable for people around you just because you won’t take the effort to form a guild.

Fun fact, that mechanic is not behind the boss.