I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

You do the run in M0 if possible otherwise do m+2 and read the boss guides beforehand the very least. Or take 20min and watch Youtbe video?

I am guessing you are talking aobut the last boss in the DOI 1st mega dungeon. yea there are two circle tanks goes to the front smaller circle and all others stand in the bigger circle behind the smaller one and use Def CD.

I mean if it a +2 no biggie you can still bear the timer with a wipe. But is your fault for not even knowing mechanics.

I’ll tell you a story you probably don’t care about hearing. :joy:

I had a glad that I casually knew through other friends try to “help” me hit 2400 once.

I stopped playing with him after 3 games because if I can’t enjoy playing with someone, what’s the point?

I’m much happier hitting 2100 with a chill person.

I skipped Pandaria, Legion, and most of BFA.

Barely touched Shadowlands, and have played a bit of Dragonflight.

I have honestly never heard it before lol

I learned dungeons on a 17 or 18.

first week.

Didn’t consult dungeon journal either.

To soak is to collectively stand in an area where damage is happening. The more people get involved with absorbing an attack, the more the damage is spread out and mitigated, making it easier for healers to keep the team alive.

I’m not sure when it started in earnest, but technically the concept’s been around for WoW’s entire lifetime. Any damage split between targets is a form of soak.

I’m a curious person by nature, so I like hearing stories.

I’ve got a high tolerance for people who are toxic, but I don’t like being toxic. And I have a tendency to stick up for people even when I maybe shouldn’t.

I had to remove a raid lead over some of that, early on in Shadowlands. Guild’s dead now, maybe that’s my fault, but I’d do it again. It’s a video game, I’ll take enjoying Ls in pugs over hating Ws in my guild any day.

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My thoughts here are: If you are doing M+ then you should know the fights before hand, if you don’t then you should be doing lower tier fights to learn it. M+ players expect some level of you knowing the fights and what basic movements are and basic call outs mean.

I ran it once before on my Shaman but I dont remember doing any mechanics except standing in a bubble.

Shaman gaming?


if this is idrikon, the soak even in heroic will one shot the person if they dont get it to chromie. when i tank this boss, even in heroic, i always text “get the big soak circle TO chromie. it will one shot you.”

It’s really not though

Of all the games I’ve played with stupid jargon/slang and unnecessary abbreviations, WoW takes the cake

probably because you didnt get the first soak circle. you probably ran away from the circle like anyone should who isnt targeted by it.

the targeted person MUST get it to chromie or they get deleted and chromie takes a big hit. if she dies, it is a wipe (she can be healed).

then dps/heals have to get in her soak while the tank gets in the one in front of chromie.

so, that might have also been the “back” because there are two soak circles after the big one.

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Yes my main is an Enh Shaman.

Easily the most fun Ive ever had in WoW

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Holy based.

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I’m not faulting you, just my thoughts on what I think general expectations are. I’d be upset with myself if I messed up someone else’s key.

Yeah. Some of these guys are acting like the dungeon doesnt exist outside of M+. You dont learn in M+. You learn in Mythic 0, or at least Heroic for a baseline understanding, but you’d be missing something there in a good handful of fights.

Asking to follow mechanics isnt the community being trash, its demanding people to do the right thing.


As is anything you have to intercept to prevent massive damage.

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I learn in M+.

See, now Ive learned.

Messing up a 4 is not anything honestly.

The tank was a 402 and could barely hold aggro and it was his key and he was the one that yelled at me and said I was the worst rogue ever, so yeah haha.