I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

I tell people Im new every group but they never listen lol

If you’re getting spoiled by M+ guides you’ve missed a crucial step…like normal, heroic, or m0 versions of these dungeons. M+ is not a conducive environment for learning mechanics, because of the timer, and it’s definitely not a conducive environment for sightseeing.

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Everything below like a +10 should not be taken so seriously.


No problem with that.

But if someone told you they were a new player in a +4, would you expect them to know all of the mechanics?

If you let them in the group knowing this, is it really their fault or yours?

Try not to let it get you down. Get some cool people who run stuff that can at least give you a +1 rock to lean on in pugs.

Most people are like me and do not take this game so seriously.


Did you volunteer to teach them basketball? Doesn’t sound like your group did.

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Don’t let them get you down.

In fact, your goal should be to get better than they are and never let them in your group because they aren’t L337 enough :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Then use that power to help new players

Yelled at or explained to?

If it’s under a +9, and especially with the gimmicky as hell mechanics of Dawn I wouldn’t worry about it either way.

Was in +14 the other day with a tank that didn’t know one of the bosses and bursting. This early no one has done every key with every affix. So still a lot of learning going on. And some people get their self worth by brow beating others.


Probably yelled at, since they’re a new player and show no indication of being terminally on GD, tbh.

It shouldn’t. But the problem is that it is.

See: lowbie dungeon drama. Same deal.

I hate that this is true. It shouldn’t be but it is…

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If the community would just help and mentor new players, wow would be a much better game.

I see lots that do but there is a large amount that are extremely selfish and seem to get their self worth from this game.

It’s sad really…

I agree. It’s why I’ve moved over to Palia more. It’s much nicer and people help and teach each other.


I guess it’s that time of year again to make my invitation an open one.

If anyone wants someone chill to run stuff with, you can just add me.


Can’t promise I’ll always want to run something, but can promise I’ll never be a jerk about World of Warcraft.


This is all I ever want when partying up.

Definitely gonna add


I’m not sure if anyone actually answered your entire question, but soaking means to stand in the target spot(s) and take the damage. Usually people soak to avoid raid wide damage, I believe.

As for the at the back, I suspect that was to tell you which soak to do–the one at the back or another one. What “back” specifically means? I have no clue in this case.

As for being prepared, there’s a lot to that part. There are some videos that are awesome (hazelnutty comes to mind) and relatively short. I’d watch one of those before doing a key–in heroics and normals we never even see most of the mechanics. Plus, it’s possible there are additional mechanics in the mythic versions.

I’m not saying that to imply you did something wrong, or “screwed” someone over–I actually do this for self-defense. if I know the dungeon there’s less chance that some random idiot will be toxic to me. I don’t handle toxicity well. I usually bail on the group as soon as it gets that way. I don’t owe them or their key anything once they become abusive.

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I asked for clarification, because “yelled at” only appears in the thread title; his description is that the tank explained the fight to him in a confusing way using ALL CAPS, which may or may not be yelling and could just be they had Caps Lock on.

Tbf I’d probably take it as rage typing too.

It’s fair to be skeptical of it though.

When did this soak stuff start?

In my day, we avoided damage. We surely didnt purposefully get hit haha.

I still dont get it.

Soaks have been around for a long while.