I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Fine. Genuinely.

I would like you to tell me, so if there’s anything crucial I can mention it, but if not I’ll just learn it on a death or wipe.

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It’s probably a good idea to watch a video on the mechanics for any newer dungeons. For your information Soak mechanics will have a very specific animation on the ground so it’s very clear what they are.

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That would be fine. Again it is a 4. If you wipe on a boss once or twice who cares. You learn the mech after the wipe and try again. You will still probably 3 chest it. Plus if you don’t skip anything it’s pretty much impossible to go under count on fall.

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I think ive got it now.

Ill try again tonight since I need the dagger

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And people wonder why WoW has a hard time generating interest in new players.



Well, which one is it? Did you tell them you did not know the fight and they replied with “SOAK AT THE BACK”, or were you silent and they randomly yelled “SOAK AT THE BACK” for no reason? :sweat_smile:

Also, where are you being yelled at? It sounds like you asked how to do the fight and they told you but you did not understand.

Where’s the fire here? :sweat_smile:

It’s been around since at least Legion, but there’s a first time for everything…

Have either of you ever actually done a normal or heroic version of these dungeons? Players are so overgeared for them that all the mechanics are ignored. They’re quite possibly the worst way to try to learn the fights.

I think they do now, along with Heroic. It’d be weird if M0 didn’t give Vault when Heroic does…

If you suggest this, the legion of solo players will come down on you for being a toxic, elitist, gatekeeper who only wants to bully them by turning Normals and Heroics into a sweaty e-sport. :roll_eyes:

I sent you a friend request, I’d be down to run stuff with you sometime. :+1:


Sweet thanks!

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We have 3 already! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This shouldnt be how to play a game, whether it’s single or mmo. We play a game to play it, not to watch youtube to tell us how to play it.


This has always been my feelings on it.

Heroic dungeons barely even make any sense anymore. Not even at the launch of a new expansion are heroic dungeons beneficial since skipping to mythics is ideal.

One thing I really appreciate about 14 is that the majority of content you’re expected to learn it by doing rather than watching. Low to mid end stuff. The culture around that game really does feel healthier, sometimes, wish WoW could follow suit in that way.

You and me both on that stupid dagger…been running that place like crazy haha.

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Not the front of what?

The sad part is, I havent seen that culture outside of memes. I played that mmo cause of a friend, joined their guild, saw that friend berate someone in a group for not watching the fight first and the guild leader laughing.

What I don’t get is why +2-5 is such a joke? Why even have baby lower levels if M+ is where the real challenge is meant to start? Why not just turn Heroic into M0 and readjust the M+ levels to actually give individual level difficulty changes.

So I was gonna ask about it, then I was like hell, I’ll just look it up in the journal.

I should’ve just asked.

What the hell is Timestrike?

And can’t you just do the catch-up events and get way higher gear that way?

I’m not sure yet haha. Gorehowl from the RISE part of the dungeon has an affix called Demonsbane I think (that one is easier to figure out).