I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Granted, but to read this thread and take it at face value, you’d think all of WoW’s M+ community is waiting to roast him for failing a mechanic.

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You do you.

I actually enjoy helping people…I guess that’s rare these days but in the past this is how you made friends.

Isn’t that what it’s all really about?

There’s been some pretty decent suggestions in there. Granted I didn’t read all 200 posts first so who knows how toxic the first few were :slight_smile:

Man dont worry about not knowing anything, and who has time to read on a dungeon!? Just join the group and learn as you go… you know, fake it till ya make it

You want to be my friend?

It’s not about lack of empathy, everybody can make a mistake, specially unexperienced players. But there’s no excuse for not reading about the mechanics before joining a group and coming to the forums complaining about that

My first post came with the advice to just get footnotes of the mechanics. I rarely go into content with 100% understanding of what to do. I’d get way too bored of the game if I’d done all the fights in my mind’s eye before I ran it.

I guess I learn quick, at least according to some of GD, but I also think it’s fine to learn in low keys / normal raid.

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Youve got to understand that SOAK to me is something I do to my lettuce before making a salad to clean off the dirt and bugs.

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Watch some videos of a fight before you run it on mythic. I suggest running it a few times on normal or heroic and watch videos to know the specifics of the fight. Make sure you have the bare minimum addons to assist running them as well.

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I had this problem in FF14. I was using positional terminology and the other person was all “???”.

If you can’t grasp directional influence in games then you probably shouldn’t be in the highest tier content. It’s meant for people who want to think critically and analyzing communication is a part of that.

Statements like this make it seem like you are just trolling.

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Positional terminology is different in 14. Everything is much tighter in that game. You’re gonna be thinking of the map in cardinal directions, in higher play.

…but also the casual community is quite large in 14. So could lean either way.

Judging by how you reacted to this post I don’t know if we’d be very compatible.

Even so, I’d still give you a chance if you really needed help.

Making a joke isn’t automatically trolling.

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He’s a new player man. It was a joke

Not everyone has played this game for 15+ years.


Yes, there is. The excuse is that it’s a 4. I never expect people to know mechanics in low keys. I don’t even expect them to know mechanics in mid level keys this early in the season.

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Unfortunately OP, a lot of WoW players have played the game for a very long time, and don’t realize it’s possible for a new player to have no idea what “soak” means.

Expect to get yelled at a lot by randoms. If you want to be yelled at less, you can always review some video guides.

How well would it work with me being the tank, joining up and doing a 4 without ever having stepped foot into the “mega dungeon”?

Tune hits a little different now doesn’t it? We can’t just pick and choose “oh it’s a dps and you can bum rush it and win” vs “you’re a tank, you’re supposed to know what’s going on, you have to lead the group and know what to do and what to avoid and how to handle things”.

Everyone has to be on the same playing field. Basic knowledge is required. Mistakes do happen, but complete ignorance is not a mistake, that was a choice.

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ok well, now you know it has a meaning in-game and can hopefully apply that next time you hear it.

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I still melee shiz as a warlock.

Come at me.

For real though. Low keys are not super srs bsns.

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