I got deserter for leaving LFR after 1 boss

You don’t alt? Eh, I don’t really either. I have an 80 but I for damn sure am not hamster wheeling it, it’s sitting in normal dungeon loot.

This game is just boring/disappointing right now, there’s no way around it.

I think that’s the intent of the deserter tag - it’s an attempt, however weak, to prevent that from happening. Getting dropped into an instance with a boss down is entirely due to that behavior.

Agreed, deserter should be account wide. it’s the player who deserted - not the character. I would add that the deserter timer shouldn’t continue when the player is logged off either - it should persist. You desert - you pay for it for the full duration of the penalty.

Honestly? Good.

I hope it cuts down on getting pulled into a raid after the first boss because that’s all that people wanted to do, causing an endless chain reaction where everyone ends up only getting to do one to two bosses in a wing then having to requeue.

so the perpetual cycle is only broken by someone taking it on the chin and full clearing when gear locked?
id rather the fresh be put into fresh and those who left not be able to q if thats the case.

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Then I just log off the game and play something else.

“But deserter should persist through death and logging out”

Then I uninstall and unsub and play a game that doesn’t run on cancel culture, Karens, bossy people, etc, etc.


People like him? They made the change to address people leaving selfishly. This player already had locked loot for all three bosses you want him to stay and do two bosses that he had already done for what? No chance at loot? No credit towards vault?


You still have a choice - queue for LFR with the expectation that you need to spend the time to clear the wing or suck up the penalty associated with deserting.

That escalated quickly - what does this have to do with cancel culture? It’s 30 minutes doing non instanced content. If you can’t deal with that then don’t desert?

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you forget the potential to q for lfr with the expectations of joining a group that is fresh but ending up in a group thats saved.

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I feel like so many people didn’t actually read the OP, he had already done the other 2 noses because he was FORCED into a raid in progress.

Now he comes back and Tom want him to do all 3 bosses even though he can’t get loot from 2 of them? I’m thinking if this was you in this case you wouldn’t feel that’s fair.


So let me get this straight, you’ve already done bosses 2 and 3 so you queue up again you are going to stay and do all three bosses even though you’re loot locked to two of them?

Pressing X to doubt that anyone is actually going to do that.

This argument is stupid and asinine when you can get put into a group with bosses already down. After all, you signed up for the raid, not just the last boss, amirite? I don’t see a queue for just the last boss.


Exactly, people either didn’t understand the first post clearly or are soooooooo mad at someone leaving their heroic dungeon last week that they’re not using reason or logic anymore.

I guess OP should have waited to see if the group wiped on the second boss and then he could leave penalty free I think.

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Says the person who first escalated it. Get outta here with the gaslighting.

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So you’re mad that you are locked to the other bosses because someone deserted and you got dropped into a partially cleared wing, and your answer to that is to desert and subject the next guy to the same thing. How very selfless of you.

No one is forcing you to kill the bosses you’re locked to, you CAN still desert. You’ll just get flagged which is both minor and appropriate.

I swear there was an option you could tick that won’t put you into a in progress dungeon…nvm that’s ffxiv…something so simple yet blizzard wants people to stay for pretty much no gain for the person joining… guess you just join for the fun~

I can’t even type that with a straight face LFD I can understand but LFR is a bit much…

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Right, I’m definitely not sticking around for bosses I’ve already killed because some deserter before me left early which got me into a 2/3 LFR.

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Man. I’ve never played but apparently they just do everything better over there don’t they?

If it weren’t for all of the weeb stuff I’d give it a shot.

We always have been. I always stuck with groups even if I had to kill bosses I already did in LFR.

What weeb stuff?

No it is a sensible statement, you help the group you get put into. You can always leave if you do not like it.