Forcing people to stay in groups with randoms, regardless/in spite of the group or situation or how bad it may be, is never the correct decision.
Nor is leaving people at the mercy of vote kickers, which also triggers the debuff.
There’s a reason there is so much pushback on the idea of these penalties being implemented in other group content (such as Mythic/M+). Those reasons don’t magically change with queued content; in fact queued/easier content makes it (leavers) even more trivial…so I’m not sure where this is coming from.
Between this, the massive bugs throughout the game, and now the inability apparently to gear for heroics through normals (thus forcing people into Delves or spending insane amounts of gold on crafting/AH)…this might actually be the last straw for me.
I don’t pay for a game AND the subscription to it in order to be dictated to, ruled by/consistently afraid of randos, work around things being broken all the time, and not be able to enjoy said game in my own way.
It’s funny they think a 30 minute lockout will do anything, it’s been a thing in PVP forever and it doesn’t stop anyone from leaving.
I just left an LFR, it was madness, we kill first boss and on our way to second boss people are scattered all over, fighting and pulling everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.
You had 3 or 4 people off trying to down this pack, some other people WAY over there hammering on this caster mob, some others killing slimes, a constant train from the graveyard back to the mayhem.
It’s been 20 years, enough is enough, I left and no, I’m not sorry.
This change should also come with NOT getting put into an instance in progress.
Next time this happens, when i queue up for the bosses i missed the first run, I will just AFK and go make a sammich once we’re at the bosses i killed. Then i can queue up for my next instance after they finish the raid. I can only assume that’s the intended use of this change, as long as they put me into an LFR in progress and a deserter debuff for leaving when i’m “done”.
joined LFR with the first boss done
did last 2 bosses
re qued for the first boss did that then left
i got the deserter debuff
… i did all 3 bosses after queuing twice (no fault of my own) - why did i get the deserter debuff , either stop putting me in half finished grps or remove it for no fault of my own.
because the sheeps cried a lot about players leaving when they have nothing to do on the game and having to wait literally seconds to fill, now you are FORCED to stay for whatever time it takes to finish that even if it is a total waste of time, blizzard seems to forget we PAY for this and is not some free S out there
Because people fully expect you to be social and complete content to no personal benefit like you were doing a favor for guild buddies but instead it’s a pug fully of strangers you don’t know.
Fortunately WW has tons of content and is incredibly alt friendly.
No, actually. The deserter debuff was added because DPS didn’t like waiting in a longer queue so they’d queue as tanks and healers and then hold the party hostage if someone didn’t quit to free up a spot for them.
so now as a DPS as well as waiting longer for queues we get a debuff for leaving content we have already done as well - just adding more time on top for no reason (see my post)
theres a solution to your problem thats an easy fix - whatever you queue for you get forced into that roll upon entering the dungeon/raid
either that or make it worthwhile ppl stopping and doing content they have already completed by making the bosses lootable multiple times instead oif just once to make it worth staying for something you have already done.
… its all just part of the system to pad out content and slow people down, if you wont stay for content you have already done you wont be queueing for anything else either as far as blizz is concerned.
then why am i put into a situation where i must full clear the lfr twice? the second time with no loot for 2 bosses. im coming in for a fresh lock out but get a quater through one?
for dungeons i understand but not for raid…
idk man just dont appply it to lfr.
yes. its a dungeon. not a raid.
im 1 dps out of 12 ( i think )
This thread went insane with the replies while i was gone. i cant reply to everyone and for taht im sorry.
I hate getting into LFR with one boss dead because you have to wait in queue a second time for the first boss. And now they also give you a deserter buff? Lol the incompetence at Blizzard.
Literally just only pop fresh LFRs. Scale down the bosses to the number of players remaining in the group if people leave, like normal/heroic. The fix is so easy but Blizz punishes the players smh.
You queued for the raid, that’s all the bosses in that wing. You essentially signed a pact with everyone else to clear that wing. Leave early and you are in breach of that pact.
Remember, when you desert a raid, people either have to carry that deficit with the next boss or someone who had been in the LFR queue now gets put into a raid with a boss kill already done, which means if they needed that boss they have to sit and wait in the LFR queue all over again.
So don’t behave like you leaving doesn’t negatively impact other players.
The deserter tag is 100% appropriate.
That unfortunately doesn’t work if a tank or healer leaves.