I got deserter for leaving LFR after 1 boss

people are still going to leave - they could give me a full day of deserter buff and I would still leave when I want to. Blizzard is only punishing people who have limited play time.


I was replying about Final Fantasy. Weeb stuff is the game.

Then give us a reason to stay, gold, valor, crests, small chance at warbound gear, anything

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And I will. Iā€™ll just find ways to circumvent my debuff by either chain queuing when multiple wings are open or just getting on one of my other 5 level 80s.

This ainā€™t gonna slow me down a bit. All itā€™s going to do is make sure that MORE PEOPLE end up in half-cleared runs. They will be the ones thinking :notes: Should I stay or should I go :notes: but not me.

Which is cool and all, but I came in earlier this week to replace a healer who had bailed after the 1st boss, so my run was only the last 2 bosses. I also got a deserter debuff after I ran the second time to get the boss that I missed through no fault of my own. But whatever, I just logged over to an alt and farmed herbs for a bit.

Going forward Iā€™ll just stick around for those bosses Iā€™ve already killed. No skin off my nose, and Iā€™d rather not put someone in the same situation I found myself thrust in through no fault of my own.

They actually had something like that when LFR first opened up. When the queue popped it showed which bosses were available and which were already dead and you could choose if you wanted to join. It didnā€™t work out well at all and it was changed pretty quick because in progress groups would never fill.

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I know, I was asking why you think it is full of weeb stuff when its not.

Well you get loot from trash packs.

only the trash trash packs :stuck_out_tongue: not even the ones that give kej


In dungeonā€™s itā€™s pretty straight forward, person who left gets debuff.

In LFR the person who left gets the debuff and every person who backfills will also get the debuff unless they do the content twice.

Blindly defending ā€œyou left - you are a deserterā€ Is a really ignorant look. The debuff was changed for dungeons with little foresight into how that would effect a whole other mode of play with different loot restrictions.



I enter my LFR. I kill the second two bosses. I queue again. I kill the first boss. I leave.

Now Iā€™ve been endorsed by Blizzard to leave that group and pay forward the same dilemma to the next person that fills the group I just left. Yes. Make no mistake. Blizzard has given me permission to do this and said it is okay with this change. Until they make a statement or change this means they endorse that behavior by design.

People that donā€™t even need or want LFR can now use it as a griefing mechanic by joining a group, killing a boss, and passing on this problem to a player that DOES need LFR. A reminder that if you donā€™t need LFR then you donā€™t need any queued content, so a deserter debuff does them no harm.

And people think WoW players are going to take trash pack loot to pass up a chance to grief others?


Just eat the deserter debuff, it doesnā€™t really matter. Or if you are bored and want to have some fun then wipe the group a few times before you leave or get kicked :rofl:

Knowing that it will put another player in the same spot down the road? Yes. Most are going to do this.

Gonna have mythic raiders, M+ers, and PvPers joining LFR runs in their boredom time just to kill a boss, leave, and set another player up for this same situation. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fully anonymous and Blizzard endorsed griefing inc.

Punishing the people who are willing to backfill in LFR is dumb though. It is actually creating a long chain of debuffs (on multiple people) from the one original deserter buff.

WoW should have something like FFXIV that you can click that says ā€œjoin group in progressā€ that way you can make sure to get a fresh raid, if you want, to prevent issues like this. I hate joining raid finder as a dps, after waiting 20 minutes, where bosses are already down.

How it was working before people cried over the Sacbrood was just fine though.

No, honestly, that way is pretty sus also. You get people just farming 1 boss and then dipping, when, as a previous poster stated, you are signing up for all 3 bosses (or however many), not just one.

People will now farm that 1 boss and dip. They will take their deserter debuff.

And they will now know they are setting the person that fills for them up for the same issue when that filler has to queue again for the first boss.

How many of those fillers are going to stay and finish the later bosses in their second queue for no loot? Itā€™s not going to be 100% for sure. So an unknown number of those fillers will then leave after the first boss in their second queue. Paying the problem forward perpetually.

Uh, you left. After a boss. I donā€™t think Blizzard has a ā€œTest Driveā€ a raid option yet.

ā€œna, this aint for me, thanks gang!ā€

"Bye!, See ya!
Thanks for trying the raid! "

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Eh. Until 5 minutes ago they essentially did.

Could always leave LFR after the first boss until TWW.