I got deserter for leaving LFR after 1 boss

If you’re leaving a dungeon where the final boss is still alive, you’re a deserter. Doesn’t matter if you get drops or not from the other bosses, you are a deserting a dungeon run that is still active.

If you choose to backfill and help Raid A finish their run and you want to go back to kill what you missed in Raid B. You’re getting a deserter debuff or you’re wasting your time killing everything in the dungeon all over again (on top of queuing twice). That’s being punished for helping backfill.

This debuff “system” was meant to fix problems in dungeons, with little foresight as to how that same system would effect players in LFR.

One doesn’t have a loot lock out, one does.

The new raid in general will have way more backfill too simply due to the numbers of people required for LFR.


One boss per wing would make it even a bigger time waste

I called it stupid then as well though. I also don’t think it is “literally” the same since LFR has a loot lockout. If I get an in-progress heroic I still have an incentive to run the whole thing again if I get the same one again. If I get an in-progress LFR I don’t have any incentive to complete it in its entirety a second time for a week.

It’s creating a problem for players in LFR that just perpetuates itself as well. First person might be a jerk and just leaving because they didn’t get their drop. The next person has to fill that group, they kill those bosses, then they lose incentive after the first one and leave after they kill it on their next run…

Which will immediately put another person in the same situation. It’s just really dumb.

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you don’t have to do anything, you can leave if you want.

You aren’t you can always leave.

How? Less popular LFR bosses with longer queues?

But at least it wouldn’t be a dice roll on a fresh start

:izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab:

Don’t know what to tell you, damned if you do and damned if you don’t the system has its pro’s and con’s there is no middle ground to be had cause both ways suck lol

Basic math, each lfr is 3-4 wings, at about 10-30 min a queue that’s 30/40-90/120 min of queuing

Now turn that into 8-10 queues and you can see how bad that will be

its probably just an oversight. its likely not intended for you to need to stick around for loot locked bosses to avoid a punishment.

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I suggested this too in another thread, and got /crickets :laughing:

I feel if you break the bosses up into their own raid then folks can come in snag the boss or bosses they want and be done with it, have the option for a regular raid setup if guilds etc wanna try but also allow queuing for solo bosses.

I expect the queues would also be quicker, as it’s only one boss.

I don’t raid anymore, I’ve done LFR but not in a long time, so maybe I’m missing something but seems like a possible solution.

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Its not like it takes all that long, with a competent group of people, even in LFR. Just do the whole thing and requeue. Be a bro to the people that didn’t leave early.

we have had single boss queue’s in raid, its the same queue time, having 8-10 queues would take forever

This is not working as intended. They have explicitly stated that this was expected behavior in the past when people were forced into partially completed raids.

It does matter as Blizzard has expressly stated that this is intended behavior with the backfilling of LFR queues. He should not have gotten a deserter debuff.

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That is how it works and they have explicitly stated that they expect you to leave when you down your bosses.

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Leaving a dungeon early should get you a deserter debuff. Leaving an LFR early because you are locked to the remaining bosses should be calculated into it if you leave after the first boss. There is zero reason to waste the time of people that fell on the wrong side of the queue rng.


You left, that’s kinda how it works my dude. You joined the que, got a group and left it.

These are dps this happens to - they are backfilled in seconds. There is absolutely no negative effect on the group. I normally don’t care if I get in on the second boss because I only need 2 for the vault. And if it results in a faster queue than normal which it does it is a plus for me.

People are going to leave regardless, a 30 minute deserter buff means nothing to me because I get cured of any desire to do instances for a day after doing one. However, it might matter to someone with limited play time. They are already being punished by having to wait an hour in queue for the boss they missed.

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Everyone has to occasionally help finish a dungeon. Consider it your “turn”, like public service. When you need someone pulled in, you benefit from the system.

Edit: Oops. LFR not LFG. Ignore.

Dungeons are differently than LFR because you still have a chance at getting loot from bosses you previously killed.