I got deserter for leaving LFR after 1 boss

Seems like that’s abusable

You signed up for a group and then ditched. Deserter buff earned. That is all there is to it.


I mean, you deserted… You left a group that was still clearing a dungeon. Not sure on how this is hard to understand.

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I didn’t sign up to get nothing either though

I signed up for a full run, 3 bosses, I got 1-2 bosses, so I have to waste mine time queuing again, and now I have to waste my time after I get my last boss or two too

It’s too much, people will just troll and wipe the group so they can leave without the debuff


i think it’s stupid as well, but this is literally what GD was screaming for last week


I mean, for a specific situation

I swear there was an option so that you can not group up with a dungeon/raid already in progress…but it is what it is…

yeah i was replying to myrzrym, probably should have just quoted them. my bad!

Tbh, ye’h. There should be an option to not queue up into a dungeon in progress becuz that is absolutely annoying.

Not since mop, because you don’t get back fills then


Eh you rarely get anything in LFR to begin with. Just be happy if you kill two bosses and get your vault reward.

So I should have to clear the raid twice without a deserter buff because I backfilled a group so they could continue?

Let’s say I could decline it and know bosses left (which you already discussed with others you can’t) why would I ever backfill again? Let’s say that group needed a tank or it couldn’t continue, well GL any tank wanting to sign up for two full runs just to backfill your group as they can wait for a fresh one easily.

Just because I am helping another group finish doesn’t mean I should be beholden to twice the commitment. Dungeons operate differently and should have a different standard for deserter debuffs.


I mean, you still get crests and stones even if you don’t get loot

At least let us reloot those

Yea we were sick of people farming certain bosses and then leaving. Its annoying.

Nah, never going to happen. It is LFR.

Then don’t punish us for leaving when the bosses will give nothing /shrug. They can obviously tell what bosses you’ve killed, so they can tell if you’re leaving on a cleared wing vs not to use the debuff properly


I thought they wanted to respect player’s time?


You realize by leaving after the first boss, you’re creating the same situation for another tank that you’re complaining about.

While yea, that sucks but no one should be forced to run bosses for no loot at all


I think all this frustration highlights the emphasis on joining custom raids. Maybe LFR needs to be just one boss. All loot at the end like a mythic.

I’ve joined tons of half finished raids. Same goes for losing BGs.

Typically, I am the last to leave as I commit to the whole raid or match. That’s my gaming etiquette. Unless family or emergency aggro, I stay

And if I get a debuff, oh well. I inconvenienced the rest in there going forward. I own up to it

:izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: