You know when you que that is a possibility. Your signing up for all potential outcomes. That’s why your rewarded bonus gold and experience and other things for joining LFR. You are signing up for the good and the bad.
There are unfair outcomes now since they changed how the deserter debuff works for a dumb trinket in a dungeon. Before you’d only get the debuff if you left before a boss was killed. Now you get it if you leave at any point.
Player one gets a fresh run does all his stuff and leaves no problem.
Player two gets to backfill and then starts a chain of “deserter debuffing” for several players if they choose to go back to finish the boss they can still get loot from. They also get to wait through two queues.
so after 1 boss you deserted your group…what would you expect it to say?
No silly, they were nice enough to help Raid A kill the second and third bosses, queued up a second time… went back to kill the first boss and left the group since they were loot locked out of the rest for the week.
This is awfully strange if true.
You don’t get any loot for doing a LFR boss twice, and we don’t control what we get put into.
LFR isn’t the same as dungeons. Especially currently, the bosses can take much longer if a group struggles.
I’d take the deserter buff over staying honestly. Which is kind of silly.
You signup to run the instance, you should be prepared to run the entire instance. I understand exactly what is happening and for me it doesn’t invalidate that I support this change 100%. I supported the idea of this before the trinket was a thing. There shouldn’t be any loop holes where you can leave a group in progress and avoid the deserter debuff. if it was up to me it would be account-wide too.
That said related to in progress dungeons. I also believe they should go back to showing you how many bosses have been killed already in the dungeon / raid you are joining. I don’t think you should be forced to join an in progress dungeon or raid but once you have commited to joining it you should be held to participating till its end. Especially in LFR where there is no, “well never be abel to do this” moment as you will eventually gain enough stacks of determination to beat anything.
You answered your own question,
Same thing happened to me. My first queue we came in with the first boss already dead. Did the next two. Left. Re-queued . Got the first boss. Killed him. Left. Got deserter. Wtf?
I did want to run the entire dungeon, blizzard put me into a partial. Shouldn’t be punished any further than having to queue twice.
Think about it really hard, in LFR if one person leaves… it’s a trail of debuffs on mostly innocent people wanting to make sure they get all of the bosses.
i remember that blizz changed the queue back then
if u join a raid that has killed a boss already the next time u queue u get guarenteed fresh run , to avoid ppl leaving if a boss was down already…
now u kill 2nd-3rd and rejoin kill 1st only to get deserter? come on…
The general idea is that a deserter debuff should reduce the number of people getting put into already in progress raids or dungeons. Because an individual is less likely to leave due to the consequence of leaving. Weither it is the person who originally started the chain reaction or the next person. Eitherway, seeing complaints about the debuff tells you that people are noticing and it is affecting their actions. That’s the point of the debuff.
You’ll have to say it a bit louder for the folks in the back.
The original person who started the chain should be given a debuff, the person filling in should not have consequences for filling in. They are just helping Raid A succeed and are then being punished in Raid B when they are only trying to get loot from the original boss they missed.
Yea, that’s what I meant, the raids mostly.
Screaming it at the clouds my friend.
Edit: If they don’t fix this in a timely manner, I’ll just assume that blizz is okay with intentionally gating their customers play time with unwarranted debuffs.
This does not make any sense for LFR. As bosses are loot locked for a week, it is entirely possible that you are forced into killing bosses again that you have already cleared. For example I queue into one with the first boss down, so I kill the next two to avoid the penalty. I requeue and once again I find myself as the second boss. Now what is the freaking point in me staying?!?
Even the well intended will for the most part. They won’t be thinking about the next person in line that they are extending the problem to.
But now people with bad intentions can pass on the potential for a debuff or double run to another player just by joining a LFR and leaving after a kill. Intentionally.
People that don’t even need queued content and therefore will suffer no penalty for a debuff can now grief LFR with a chain of this problem and walk away smiling and unpunished.
I can’t believe that there are actually people defending this. This is lowering the bar of GD to an entirely new level. I’m kind of impressed.
I’m going to absolutely lose my mind next time I que for a raid get in with one boss down, have to re-que to get that first boss and then have to choose between taking a deserter debuff or killing two more bosses I have already looted. This is insane. Shame on the people who defend it. I get the dungeon side of things but if its going to be in lfr never put me into a in progress raid. I never join a group with the intention of leaving unless I have already looted later bosses. If I leave in other situations its because I have to and usually Im going to be busy for 30 mins anyway and the debuff wont matter. But those in progress raids it isn’t right to get deserter.
That is exactly why the debuff is coming in hard, and I am happy about it.
I’m not totally against the debuff if you aren’t loot locked to the next boss. But if loot locked I am 10000% against the debuff