I got deserter for leaving LFR after 1 boss

You think so, until you are forced to kill bosses you already killed because you keep queueing into a raid already in progress…

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Funny thing is, i’ll just leave the inprogress ones now, if i’m going to get a debuff either way, might as well not fill in on a possibly bad lfr

No, it’s coming in hard because it’s dumb and punishing innocent players for no reason. You don’t apparently need anything from LFR, so I hope it’s fun laughing at the misery of others who do. You’re probably one of the people who would join and leave after the first boss… smug in what you’ve accomplished.


Read the definition for desertion.

You get your answer.

That guy is already 590.

He won’t be facing this problem, his character is beyond queued content now.

So they are just licking their lips thinking about the griefing they will do by joining LFR to leave after the first boss. :smiley:

It’s quite transparent that you will be taking advantage of the fact that this can be abused. That’s pretty garbage.

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You’re punished if you’re guilty of desertion. Thus the name.
You’re not innocent there. Now being kicked and getting it is a different story.

problem is you’re being asked to stay for nothing


Actually, no. This is not working as intended. This is a byproduct of the changes to Deserter from people spam-queuing Heroic dungeons and leaving when they don’t get a specific piece on the first boss.

LFR’s queues will explicitly try to put you into a group with the bosses you haven’t killed yet alive so that you can go kill them. You don’t owe your soul and time for an entire run of LFR, it’s never worked that way. It only mattered if you left before any bosses died at all.

Unlike a Normal or Heroic Dungeon where you can still get loot, this situation basically forces you to stay into a run where you’ve already killed everything else and have no chance at gear.

Forcing people to complete the rest of a run they’ve already done once that week in a setting where they will only ever get loot from the bosses once a week or face Deserter is… Kinda crappy.


People still grief in this game?

Do you actually have to ask that?

That is actually not true. Normal and Heroic also have a boss loot lockout (each by their own tier). While Mythic steps it up and locks you to a raid instance id, meaning if a boss is already dead and you are locked to that id you are just out of luck for that week.

Sorry if you were not talking about raids, just ignore me :slight_smile:


Ziatema a change was made to the deserter debuff a week ago because people were “griefing” by leaving runs after their item didn’t drop on the first boss in dungeons. That is the topic of this discussion.

If this is your first time on the internet or you are new to WoW/online games I can direct you to orientation where you can get settled.

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Yes, I believe the community is 99% peaceful and those who grief should be suspended or banned permanently depending on severity and number of times. Bust out some FFXIV style rules.

Maybe I wasn’t explicit enough in implying I was speaking to dungeons?

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I know why people were running the dungeon and only killing the first boss. The so called BiS trinket for most classes, which it is not btw.

Hunnie, I’ve explained this over and over again in this thread.

Player two did nothing wrong and shouldn’t be penalized for the original person who left. Most people won’t stick around and kill the last two bosses they’ve already killed for zero loot. Which only means they’re taking that debuff and passing it along to another person… who does the same… who does the same… we’re extending a debuff to many many people stemming from just one “real” deserter.



Minor fix. Because this change did nothing but reduce the overall quality of the game.

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Because you are messing with everyone’s time. Learn what commitment is, don’t queue if you can’t and if you do queue up, don’t leave everyone hanging.

People are always looking for an edge and it’s one of the best trinkets available for a pretty decent fraction of the specs in the game. Even most of the ones it’s not considered literally best for, it’s still generally considered really good.

You don’t seem to understand the actual issue.