Well then. My stance is now, “That’s Silly”
Silly they had it.
Silly they changed it.
Well then. My stance is now, “That’s Silly”
Silly they had it.
Silly they changed it.
I joined an lfr group that already had the first boss down. We killed boss two and three.
I leave the group and then reque so I can get the first boss. The algorithm does its job and this time I get a fresh group. After we kill the first boss I leave since I’ve now killed all three bosses.
…… and boom deserter buff.
This is not working as intended
Yes but now it can be used to purposefully grief others
Bored and it’s not raid night? Join a LFR. You don’t need anything. You don’t need any other queued content either.
Kill the first boss. Leave.
Smile knowing you just set someone that does need it up to either run the wing twice (for no loot the second time) or take a debuff themselves.
I’d have to say I’m not real happy to see this particular situation for LFR. I run LFR a lot and folks come and go. It never seemed like a big deal, really.
This debuff for LFR doesn’t make a lot of sense though, because group spots always fill up, even if you have to wait a while. Sometimes folks will switch specs to help out. I have.
Not being able to leave at all without getting a penalty in LFR is a bad decision, because the bosses you’ve already completed give no loot.
I didn’t mind if the Raid was partially completed, because I could complete it again to get the first boss. But if you’re going to be penalized for leaving because you only needed that one boss, this makes no sense.
Trying not to get a debuff but also not being able to get any loot for the rest of the instance is a turn-off. Even for me. And I love LFR.
((I understand what started the change for the debuff, but I really wish they would have moved the item in question to the last boss, maybe? Mighta’ helped keep the groups together for that dungeon?))
How the deserter buff worked through DF was if you kill a boss, you don’t get a debuff.
That worked real swell until TWW… one piece of loot in one dungeon started causing deserter issues.
The “fix” was to make the debuff given when leaving at any point in the dungeon.
Now we’ve got that same debuff applying to leaving at any point in LFR, where there are loot lock outs and chain deserter debuffs for people unlucky enough to not get a fresh run.
? 30 mins is a drop in the bucket as far as time goes, do other content for 30 mins . After that frustrating a$$ LFR Dawn breaker dungeon
I bailed on ,
I needed that time to calm down
Deserter debuff was changed due to people leaving after first boss in dungeons and seems it carried over to LFR hopefully get less joining mid raid wing going forward.
Then they should also make a change to inform people they are will be joining an in progress instance and give them the option to pass. Forcing them to back fill and then punishing them when there is no reason for them to stay is beyond dumb.
Not to mention that what he said is provably false.
They made this change for an entirely different problem totally unrelated to people leaving in LFR. Which has never, ever, in the history of ever, been an actual problem for anyone.
Yea, I know. Now. I got schooled a few posts up.
Ha! I schooled some(wun)one on the forums. Mom is going to be so proud.
Yes, that is why.
I also love that you & others deserters are getting the debuff. My Imp today told me the rage you all feel over it sustains it, IDK if it is true, but I hope it is.
Why don’t you read the rest of this thread and maybe you’ll actually learn something. You don’t even know what you’re defending.
I think it’s highly likely that people know exactly what they are defending and simply love impeding on other players in any way they can. Which this will give more options of accomplishing.
THIS is why when the queue pops it needs to show if any bosses are already down. We should have the right to decline if the boss we need is already dead.
The OP meant what would be considered the second boss of the wing, as he stated the first one was already dead and that was clearly the one he was interested in. I am going to be running LFR tonight and if the boss I want is dead, I will just leave right away. In the past I would have at least helped with the next one to avoid the penalty but now it is just a waste of time. Instead I will just watch some Netflix and chill in an inn while I wait out the debuff instead.
It’s a perpetual cycle if one tank leaves early. That’s why it’s best to just play out the full instance in all cases. Once one leaves early, it’s a domino effect.
Not really, it’s just the new way the deserter debuff works was strictly done with dungeons in mind and no thought was given to how it’d function in LFR.
If they simply kept it working how it was in DF for LFR which was kill one boss and you don’t get a debuff people would be able to filter in and out more easily for the bosses they still have to grab (without punishment) again.
Either would work. With this new change though we should be able to see if a boss is dead already so we don’t end up with the debuff or stuck running a dungeon for nothing.
In dungeons the deserter debuff probably doesn’t extend much out beyond the initial refill.
In LFR that deserter debuff just chains along to many more people down the line.
I can’t believe LFR was even released with out them thinking it was an awful, terrible idea to keep the deserter debuff the same for both modes of play.