There’s blame enough to go around. And yes, someone with money and name recognition to get himself coverage to spread those ideas does have responsibility for the deadly advice he spews because he can get that message out there to more people with some degree of unearned trust from his name than most other people.
Most of the people in the President’s cabinet are appointed by the president and not elected. Harris was never elected by the way, she was chosen to be the Vice President and they appointed as the presidential nominee before they even did their sham vote.
LGBT friendly is not a political stance, it’s quite literally just being a decent human being. All it is saying in the guild advertisment is that they (hopefully) won’t have to deal with ignorant fools harassing them simply for being them.
Anyways, it’s actually insane to me that people let politics be such an integral part of their personality, I sincerely despise this football team like mentality(also known as tribalism) on such an important aspect that keeps the gears of society working.
Oh well, what can you do? It works decently enough to keep us plebians believing we can make a difference in the world while the powerful plot their schemes.