I going back to play SWTOR



Man… that game sucks…

Yep. Sounds like a BioWare move. I was warned about being mean to other players after the bug hunt leveling glitch was lagging the game so bad nobody could move. We told them to change instances and divide the load between the two. Nope, they got pissed off and BioWare gave me a warning lol. Stupid.

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I was semi-fine with the suspension myself as I found the bug, duplicated it and reported it to the developer. But yes my major issue with the overall disciplinary action was removing all my money that I had made from daily’s and selling vendor loot and some made from their version of the auction house.

Yeah the pvp is awful

I will admit it, I still play SWToR from time to time. It is still a really fun game to mess around with and the story arcs are vastly better than what we have been getting lately.


You certainly chose the correct class!

And while the stories are entertaining, I can’t get over the massive amount of microtransactions in the game, and all of the simple features that are locked behind a paywall. It just makes me sick to look at.

SWtOR was one of the only other mmos (besides SWG pre-WoW) that I really enjoyed until it went F2P. Then it went down hill hard in quality and quantity. Definitely though imo the best leveling game due to the stories. Especially the vanilla 1-50 lvls where each class had a different story. They obviously had to stop after Vanilla with each unique class story due to how much it costs but still the best leveling experience. I don’t like how they ruined the companions system though now. It was a lot better in Vanilla imo.

The dungeons/raids in Vanilla were pretty amazing too. Their hardest modes weren’t all that hard but I stopped raiding and doing dungeons once it went f2p.

However, SWTOR has one of the, if not the worst, f2p systems. You have to pay for sooo many things that should be standard with the game. So you are almost better off just paying for the sub. But yeah, their Cartel Market (online store) is advertised a lot from them since that is how they make their money. Non subs you have to purchase raid/dungeon passes for the week etc. unless that is changed now.

Now, it is basically a solo player “mmo” as it is story based. Not sure how the raids/dungeons are now though if they even have raids anymore.

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Yeah, and I do love how they try and pass off being able to still play for free. It is like getting a free car that has a go-cart engine, no doors, seats or windows. Sure it might be free but are you actually going to use it?

SWTOR has the same (yet worse) problem as WoW in that everything levels up with you. At least in WoW it has break points you can outlevel.

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I could say SWTOR pvp environment was better than WoW.

Basically in bgs or arena, gear rules more than your skills.

any class with ilvls 226 pve gear can melt down meta pvp class with ilvl 200

And blizzard seems don’t want to fix it.

but SWTOR if you’re low gear, they got booster to buff your stats equal the same

The only thing affects the pvp balance in SWTOR just the set bonus.

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They’re getting a new expansion finally? I might just consider returning as well.

(And Bounty Hunter was also my favorite class. And Torian was my favorite romance.)

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"i need your head …to show your wife! ? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOL

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SWOTR is awful lol. I wish they made a decent Starwars MMO, I love the franchise. That game however… it’s not the one. It doesn’t come close to WoW unfortunately.

I heard Ubisoft was planning on new Star wars MMO.

We all can expect it.

was this written by Doge?


Everything have to unlock by subscription literally .

You can unlock all stuff(except cartel market cosmetic) with game money.
It probably expensive for newbie at start but you can easily make money back after reached 75 lvls for doing flashpoint/encryption farm/raiding.

You can just imagine it like WoW f2p level cap to 20, and some function are locked like mail box.

What do you mean change weapons?

I haven’t played since Eternal Throne.

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The Disney+ show did that. Along with BHs being OP because the lead Dev plays one. As a healy Merc, I literally have an “I win” button. It’s a bubble that heals me for the incoming damage and also reflects that damage back to them. I’ve killed trash in flashpoints with that bubble. It’s both epic and OP. I’m enjoying it while I can before they take it off of me. LOL

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I’m excited for what the new expansion brings to SWTOR.

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