I going back to play SWTOR

Disappointed with 9.1 update =/ …

Much fun to role playing a Mandalorian when questing and dialog with different option.


Their new expansion is bringing lots of big and positive changes when it drops, too.


Merc healer is pretty OP, too! Lots of fun to be had. Enjoy!


I wish this game had non-magical healers.


Swtor does story and questing really well.

Sadly, that’s all it does well.


Yes, SWTOR has the opposite problem of WoW.


SWTOR…I remember I played that game at launch and got a Sniper to max level only to realize that Snipers at the time weren’t in the best place with regards to DPS for PvP. But the Sniper story is Grade A awesome.


Tinkerer would have been it.

Good luck, enjoy having their cash shop crap shoved in your face each time you login.

Those ‘extra dialog options’ don’t really do anything or change anything.

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I really want to know how this combat styles thing is going to turn out.

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Obviously it means Marauders are going to dual-wield Sniper Rifles.


Psh, I want to see that!

Valhalla let us dual wield shields!

I think it will be good for RP, but they’ve had classes so long it’ll feel weird for them to be open access.

NGL it would be pretty BA to force leap in, ground smash, and snipe two targets in the back.

They immediately affect multiple reputations. Sometimes conflicting with each other.

Its not a game changing thing but it does have a tangible effect.


The effect is very very minor and not all of those dialog options were created equal among the different classes.

I mean. They completely shape the narrative for the first three chapters and determine companion outcomes. And influence your affinity with the light and dark side of the force. So…


Doesn’t WoW shove the cash shop in your face or do you not use the launcher?


Meanwhile you can romance with your companion

They really didn’t, especially now.

Nope, occasionally I might see a brief banner advertising something but it’s no where near as bad as having the entire screen filled up with advertisement about the latest cash shop addition. Every single time you log into the game, now that spam includes crap about their stupid battle pass crap.

Those options are also very limited and not all classes are created equal.

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