I going back to play SWTOR

Yes they did? You get to pick and choose the resolution for any given scenario. Maybe you get a companion here, maybe you tell them to buzz off. Maybe you kill a guy your companion likes and they resent you for it. Maybe you exact revenge on the guy who’s been bugging you for hours, or maybe you let him live. These are all narrative decisions. Of course it doesn’t change the overarching world it’s part of, it’s not supposed to. It’s a Choose Your Own Adventure book.

And even though your decisions don’t shape the world around you, it’s still a lot closer to nailing the head of a tailored story than WoW’s method of running every single character through every single story, dialogue line for dialogue line. The closest it comes is covenant stories (or class halls in Legion), and even then you have zero agency or impact on how you react to a given situation.


The way I see it wow doesn’t even have good end game going for it anymore.

That makes swtor > wow

I just finished getting my with darkness assassin to 75. The amount of content for a new player to do is actually tons.

There are raids and hard dungeons too. Just not M+ or scored stuff…big deal.

There are over 100 people online my guild at major times of the day.

Very minors things. They might take a hit on the rep and give a couple extra cut scenes depending on what you choose. You can easily change their influence by feeding them dog biscuits. I have companions that are totally opposite from my lightside sage with maxed out influence but shouldn’t even be still a companion based on my story actions. It’s the illusion of choice lol. Believe what you want.

Also yea you could kill a couple off during knights of the fallen empire. Woopie do, they were background companions that didn’t do crap.

I like the operations and flashpoints! PvP is better too.


I guess that’s accurate if you weren’t invested in the story or characters. I guess I don’t understand what point you’re making. SWTOR objectively has more agency than WoW.

Yes and no. With companions, mostly. Though there are some you’ll lose and some you end up with a different relationship depending on choices. And those are permanent.

Storyline decisions actually change your change your story now.

They actually do now.

The cash shop isn’t shoved in your face nor does it take up the whole screen. Don’t know where you got this from. It’s also all cosmetic. Not really a big deal.


Swtor had some of the best raiding i ever did. No addons to worry about, and tough challenging boss fights that we carefully planned out. Some fights were straight forward…others?..( damn you Kephess) were a bit tougher for our little group. I loved every minute of it. The raids that are available now ive never done. I have no idea how tough they are but if theyre anything like raids of the early days, then they must be a blast.

I was there at launch, and i still play time to time when new things hit live. Im real excited about the new expansion this year and the ability to change weapons. My assassin can finally be the real Asajj Ventress that she wanted to be.

I raided in that game all the way to Rishii. I had to put it away as other commitments got in the way. I still go back and revisit new content and beat my other guildies asses in conquest points. That game will always have a place with me…no matter how bad the game gets.


SWTOR had the greatest PvP battleground ever - huttball. The story was great, balance was not, and their choice of graphics engine ruined it before it was even released.

They do bury everything behind the cash shop / battle pass… limiting how many BGs / Instances / flight missions / and even hotbars you can have if you go with the F2P side. I guess it kind of makes sense, as the F2P is kind of the “trial” version… and they need to make money… but damn does it suck.

Had they went with a better graphics engine, I think it would have been far more successful. Even 10 years ago at the launch, the graphics were very outdated.

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Lol, I already expected the post got flagged by toxic white knights
but never thought how fast its coming.

You guys are real easy.

“Every voice matters” How ironic.


Mail me your gold. I’ll even make a toon on Sargeras so it’s easy. :heart:

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You’re disappointed in patch 9.1 when 3/4ths of the patch doesn’t even actually release until after maintenance today. How can you know whether you like something or not if you haven’t even played through it all?

Enjoy SWTOR, not sure why you felt the need to let every one here know. Why would we care?


You have nothing there but I’m bouncing out because the game sucks. What do you honestly expect from your thread? Really…you are trolling.

I’ll check it back after 7 months again.

Clearly some of us do care, as we’ve been discussing the game. Doesn’t mean the post needed to be flagged for no reason.

Not every conversation is trolling.

Played that so much from 2012 to 2018 I just can’t anymore. I even have cartel boxes just sitting in my storage. The only problem I have with the game right now is that EVERYONE is a Bounty Hunter and almost everyone looks the same. It’s weird.

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Lol. Coz everyone want to be Mando after the tv show.

I played SW:TOR from launch until December of 2016. Loved all of the game play from raiding, pvp, story and just daily questing. Was with one guild for a long time and that guild was a world first when they introduced battling for planets and conquering them against other guilds. Was a very competitive time and a lot of money spent to win some planet’s against the mega crafting guild’s but a fun time.

I only left the game because one day I discovered a bug and wanted to make sure it was a game breaking bug so I duplicated it a few times to verify it was and reported it to Bioware. I was suspended for 3 days and they removed 700 million of my money (done from daily’s) across my characters. I was so pissed because they failed to quality check the game, I did and my reward was that when I reported it. Had 6 months left on my subscription and greatly enjoyed the game but when I appealed they stuck to there decision so I left and didn’t play another MMO until 2 months in to classic release.

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Meanwhile EA still not fix the one time subscription issue from steam purchase ;(

They just set my account subscription to monthly paid to prevent the issue happens again :woman_facepalming:t3:

sry to hear that btw.

I could understand the suspension, but the removal of the money? what the hell.