I fixed hunters in Arenas you guys!

I’m getting metal arms like that dude from mortal kombat.

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Idk. I feel like the four things I suggested would make it playable at a higher level. Scatter trapping without arm time would not be the end of the world, all things considered. Still plenty of ways to counter it. Although the arm time (minus travel time) solution would be better, that would be a massive change that would screw over the other two specs. Just not that big of a deal imo.

dont worry, blizzard isnt afraid of making massive changes to bm or survival that inevitably screw over mm


Easy solution: scatter shot disorients the target for 4 seconds, but your freezing trap now has an arming time. Wow


no you weren’t. you just want bm to be toxic.

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Lol what? Quit trolling. That’s a completely ignorant suggestion

I may be wrong but isn’t that what it was in mop and everyone loved it?

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To be fair I have seen Survival Hunters do this and other classes do this but for those they do it so you go to them and then they ambush you and in some cases get major defensive cds. I am assuming you were refering to 2s

EDIT: I do it when I play Surv too unless I know I can beat on something and not suffer the consequences. Just how it is

You are correct. I unsubbed in MoP, and only returned for BFA. Imagine my disappointment.


I would love to play MM as well but like you I settled with BM and Surv this expac. Those two just offer more than MM can right now

How do you arrange for neither of them to have trinket up when you have both scatter and trap up? That sounds to me difficult to arrange without their making a mistake.

For a player to be at 2200 in MM - playing “100% perfect” - and 2400 in BM kind of illustrates the problem, doesn’t it? If you’re in the top 5 hunters and there was any kind of blaance, you should be closer to 3000 than 2000. And that means there are hunters who should be close to 2000 but are actually closer to 1000 due to the weakness of the class, and of the MM spec in particular.

The core design of MM is fine. It just needs buffs to become competitive.

  1. The intent isn’t to make sure the other team has no trinkets for that setup, it’s to force trinkets and get defensives each time we perform that setup. If neither trinkets nor defensives are used and I have popped Trueshot, that’s a win.

  2. Yes you are correct that if I’m sitting in the top 5 for my current spec (only spec, not overall class) I should be sitting higher then 2200. It’s definately a sign that that spec has some sort of glaring issue with it or I would have been able to push it higher. I’m definately not Jellybeans, he’s the only one so far to take MM to 2500-2600.

please never ever ever post again

What would you suggest for bm then? Because currently it is horrible to play a BM hunter in any competitive pvp. It is crazy that we literally cannot kite anyone anymore at any point.

What??? Dilly some of the stuff you say man like lol. Every spec “wants to play to win”… Like what? What spec doesn’t “Want to play to win”… We don’t make the meta blizzard does. I get that a majority of the kills are landed in dampening but guy you gotta articulate a little better.

Bm needs more damage. They took major over nerfs to damage, like randomly generated ridiculous over nerfing to their damage and was given very little back as people progressed gear wise.

Run behind a pole = BM’s problem is that the easiest way to mitigate their damage is hide behind a pole UNTIL dampening.

It’s usually pretty standard that people refer “playing to win” as your priority on securing kills offensively. The entire meta relies on killing the enemy teams mana bar and very defensive oriented specs, which is the oppossite of SV hunter

As for BM it actually is still decent in the current meta, not for kiting but just for playing very passively with wild protector. BM ret hunter is definitely solid, even moreso if your ret manages PvE gear causing wild protector to be even more effective.

BMs goal is passive play and slowly dpsing, you can’t really kite or go for CC which is pretty silly but it’s not an ineffective spec by any means, just boring because you’re only a dps bot giving a team mate a 10% damage buff

Play to win vs play not to lose. Dampening comps don’t play on setups or ever going aggressive. They play on “don’t ever take risks to get a kill because that will put you behind if you don’t, and we’ll win in dampening anyway”. As sv (and hunter in general), you’re very setup based. That’s what he means by that.

Got to 2320 at MW/Spriest/MM this season before they both quit, and just about everything you say was similar for us as well. Certain melee cleaves could literally prevent any and all win conditions just by lining burst or constantly pseudo-interrupting any follow up aimed shots, or Rapid Fire just due to the fact of how tanky and high self healing is compared to hunter. On top of that while doing this, they actually CREATE a win condition by playing “not to lose” because although damage is similar, my healer has spent an extra 40% of their mana bar due to uptime vs damage vs damage reduction vs their dps self heals.

I feel like at this point since Aimed Shot is already gated by Charges and a CD, they need to make Aimed Shot instant cast, and 2x charges of disengage @ 12 second CD.

This increases constant damage against melee cleaves chasing, lowers their output by disallowing 100% uptime by many melee (DH and WW will still be in the 90%+ area but that’s because those classes are ridiculous), while not giving us the slippery slope of blanket damage reduction that directly effects the way hunters play out against casters.

I really don’t want Legion tankyish hunters again like some other people have been suggesting. I want to be able to prevent/punish training with very reliable damage but still highly susceptible to swaps if I screw up positioning like we were in WoTLK through MoP.

The amount of weaknesses vs strengths MM has vs almost every other spec in the game feels like we’re playing by a completely different set of rules that no one else has to.

Yup very true. I think if Aimed shot went instant cast they would need to possibly lower the damage of it a bit, and possibly compensative for the damage loss by upping Rapid Fire’s damage (since it can be interrupted with stuns/cc still allowing some counterplay).

The other thing I was thinking about was possibly a talent that reduces incoming damage while we are ‘channeling’ the Aimed shot cast? That is if they refuse to address how awkward it is to have to stop and cast our main damage source, while no other hunter spec has to do this.

PvP Talent:
In The Moment: Ignore distractions while aiming your shots. You take 20% less magical and physical damage while Aimed Shot is channeling it’s cast.

That’ll happen when you’re the only ranged class that has no susceptibility to interrupts and silences(pet rez being the only exception I’m aware of unless silence still prevents traps; disarm doesn’t lol)

Hunters are inherently outside of the design paradigm of every other class in the game. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re op or bad for the game… Or at least it wouldn’t if we didn’t get such a pathetically small amount of dev attention as to make special cases unjustifiable time sinks, but that’s not hunter players’ fault

It is hilarious when bm is good and dumb players try to pretend that there’s anything ok about being a melee with 40yd long arms. KC los was a long overdue change, but it’s not enough to make bm fair by a long shot

Survival doesn’t need a buff, it needs a meta change…