I finally cancelled my subscription

I was gonna say the same thing l…


For lots of people the optimization IS part of the fun

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But you just read it…

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Perfect example. Even admits that he Logs in to do one daily heroic. Thats it. And then will go on to claim that everyone else is buying gold cuz he has none. Lol.

You can thank blizz and its no rdf for that.

There is stark difference between reading a guide that tells you how to play and figuring it out for yourself. For WoW many people “optimize” by doing the former and I get it; WoW is a solved game and you are competing and interacting with other players. If you don’t you will be scrutinized for it to the point where grouping could be difficult or you will limit your ability to progress through difficult content.

In a single player game you can very easily take your time and figure things out for yourself. I have played a few games now where I spent many hours trying different things out to beat bosses. I could have saved 10s of hours if I just googled boss strategies and proper loadouts, but I enjoyed the process and intentionally chose not to do that.

If the first thing you do when playing any game is look up a guide that tells you the best way to play, what talents or stats are traps, etc then you don’t love optimizing. You love taking the path of least resistance.


Just because you personally don’t buy gold doesn’t mean that people don’t buy gold. There’s websites with people selling millions of gold, people clearly do buy gold. My own anecdotal experience is that in every guild I’ve been in, there have been multiple people who buy gold regularly. Most of my friends do as well.

That being said, I don’t care, and I don’t care about gdkp’s either. But don’t act like nobody is buying gold, that simply isn’t true.

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I think you’re spot on here. What the OP is complaining about isn’t a WoW thing, it’s a today’s multiplayer online gaming culture thing. People play to optimize, there will always be a meta, and if you’re trying to get into random groups, not following the meta will make it harder. The only way to work around it is to find a group of people who don’t care.

I don’t personally have a problem with it, because as you suggested, if I want to play a game to just play my own way and chill, I’ll play a single player game or OSRS or something.


Who are you to tell people what they do/dont like…
If Im doing anything I look up the base methods, what performs well in which circumstances etc, then I adapt from there. Which is how it is for literally everything…

You wouldnt discount Newton because he didnt go back and reinvent from scratch things Descartes discovered centiries earlier. He stood on their shoulders and adapted.

30 isn’t old. Not in the slightest.

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It’s a philosophical statement my guy.

If optimization is “part of the fun”, which is how you described it, then you wouldn’t bother looking up the answers straight from the get go.

Now if you want to do that then by all means do it, I’m not telling you not to, but I’m not going to agree with you that you’re a player that loves the process of optimizing. You love being told what to do.


Thats dumb AF lol.

You look at what people have done and you try to improve it. Thats literally how the entirety of human knowledge has developed. Fair bet youre confused as I doubt youve contributed much to it…

Never said they were not. the op is implying that all GDKP are just buying gear with Bought Gold. So don’t assume that everyone is buying gold. thats my point. Its not the majority, its not anywhere close. PPL want to quit because they can’t force others to play the way they want to.

When it comes to gdkp, if anyone took the time to compare, it is the most fair and common sense loot system available. So when i see ppl comment about it as a way to claim it is a reason for them quitting, i will call BS every time.

I feel you. I’m still finding fun playing this game, but this is nothing like I hoped for when they announced tbc and pretty much guaranteed wrath.

It’s just a different time and a different type of gamers. The lack of customer support is also a product of a different time.

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I mean I agree on the loot system, I would much rather attend a GDKP to get an item I want than join a guild and hope I’m on the list to get it.

The GDKP arguments just get tiring, the truth is there probably is a lot of gold bought and used in gdkp’s, and there are also a lot who don’t. It doesn’t really affect you either way, but people are weird and apparently like to quit because of the idea of somebody paying for gear.

So, you’re saying there isn’t inflation despite the mass dk bot ban? I know what you’re trying to say which is the inflation only affects gdkps which isn’t true you can’t have mass amounts of gold added to the economy and it only effect one aspect of the economy.

Sure you can this isnt IRL.

Its a video game.

Gold is literally next to worthless outside of gdkps.

You literally make more clearing a raid than you spend on raid consumables.

You could do 3 dailies a day and never need gold, yet the gold from dailies is a set amount and never goes up and the gold in gdkps will always go up.

Consumables if anything are deflated because of the bots.

What about goin on 40?

That is starting to get there. 40 after is where fun things start to happen.

Like you sneeze. And mess up neck/shoulder in the process.

that was also when while I like pizza, it started to not like me.

PIzza and beer of my youth is now pizza and milk. PIzza is nw lots of indigestion issues. Milk to cool the fires lol.

at 50 now…its more like 2 glasses of milk lol.


I personally have some “inflation” more bad selling ideas out there.

Its sellers being greedy, scammers or…just not smart in their pricing.

I am seeing some crap prices as I look to fix up low level crafting. Tailoring one of them for my soon new 80. she has the whole “vanilla” to start with.

I don’t see even 20 gold stacks of even wool cloth as inflation.

I see a leveler who is an idiot. If they can’t afford what they are charging, their fellow levelers can’t either. So that market is lost to them.

And at 20 gold a stack, bitters like me have 80’s. A few of them.
They ain’t getting my gold at that price. I’d do 1 gold, tops. Maybe.

Or, yeah its a person buying cheap and reposting high. still the same thing…the price is something the main target market can’t afford.

And the market who can afford it has worked out old content is easy runs for an 80.

So I don’t have that as inflation. Someone is posting high banking on “laziness”. Make price too high, and even I stop being lazy lol.

Now it takes 2 to tango. Buyers need to get a brain too. Prices are crap…there are 7 days in a week. 2 days raid? that leaves 5 more lol.

CBA to get your own…well that is a player choice. Some would say that makes the game a job. I call it “playing the game”.
My game screen calls it world of warcraft. Not world of Ulduar lol.

Don’t want to do that…well pay player x gouged prices lol.