jokes on you buddy. im not subbed to wow for 6 months now. you just dont lose forum priviledge being unsubbed
are you serious man lol, do you really think this is a “win” for blizzard?
people gave extensive feedback on all of these changes for a YEAR before shadowlands, and now finally a year after shadowlands they are just now putting it in? its ridiculous and it should NOT be considered a “win” on blizzards behalf
So basically Im a better System Designer then the people working at Blizzard.
It’s too little too late. In order to receive so much bad will they first had to completely burn their player base. They’ve neglected and ignored us for so long that anything short of monumental changes is not going to help. Since Beta they’ve been told how trash their systems are, and yet, through arrogance and/or ignorance and/or lack of talent and/or malice towards their player base they went steamed right ahead. They don’t deserve any praise because they’ve barely even bandaged what we’ve been telling them to fix for a year.
Even with the changes the game is still a giant system grind and not player friendly. It’s still riddled with layers of RNG and grinds that feel unrewarding and pointless. The game is still lacking severely. I mean who cares if you can swap your covenants around. You’ll still need to grind out renown over time and it’s all still a giant pain and anti-player. The covenants still aren’t balanced like Ion said they would be, not even by a long shot. We shouldn’t have to be excited about a stupid fix to switch covs when we shouldn’t have to in the first place.
I feel no gratitude for a Dev Team making changes to problems they created a YEAR after launch based on feedback that was given to them in the ALPHA.
People, meaing OP, should start realizing that nearly every one of these changes should have been implemented from the feedback given during Beta.
I mean, yeah, let’s be happy for Blizzard doing what they shoulda have done in the first place. I guess.
But this ain’t an actual win until we se proof of them implementing feedback in real time in the future.
And no, before some clown makes the argument, not ALL feedback is good. But when it is over-whelming then yeah, that is feedback that should be, at least, considered.
Reported for trolling. You messed up bro. Kinda have it away there at the end.
People should chill out. Go to youtube and watch “That’s the world of warcraft that you play”, its such an old video but still funny today. And I bet some of you have never seen it.
“LOoK GuIS, thEYrE LisTeNiG tO Us nOw.”
Of course they do. They’ve already lost 60% of their customer. If it goes more than that, the yacht enthusiast and his buds might start seriously colnsider shutting down WoW because it counts more as a liabilty for the company at this point.
Stop thinking that they’re listening because they love and appreciate you. These guys only care about money; your money and keeping their bosses happy so they won’t get laid off. They’re changing it for money. That’s why it took them this long before changing.
i have no idea what you are responding to - the quote? if you are responding to the quote you would be better off responding to clark.
Because this is a story almost as old as time itself at this point.
“Blizz, you gotta change this or everything will go to crap!”
“Nah man, you think you do but you don’t, no need to change it, you’ll be good.”
“Blizz, what the hell! Alright… I am out”
Players leaves in huge numbers, now blizzard comes back:
“Wait… what the hell, why are you all leaving?! Everything we do is perfect, just look at all of this money we get from microtransactions! Of course we do everything perfect! Stop… stop leaving! Alright, right! We change it… okay, we make it better! Come back!”
This is the repeated story at this point, so people will of course not be happy and nor should they be happy. Gotta wait and see if it continues this way, and is not just another one time desperate grab because people are having a mass-exodus.
People should stay away until blizzard have proven themselves.
Awesome you think Shadowlands was fun - I didn’t so I didn’t play. I won by not wasting time doing content I didn’t need to, in order to do content I want to.
You really sound awful angry for someone who is having fun. You can’t even seem to read what I am saying, just hostility.
If your country decided to become a communist nation would you suddenly adapt to it?
not all change is good and paying customers have a right to have grievances with a product they’re not enjoying.
by the time they pulled the rip cord they choked them self sorry to say.
customers tell them in alpha and beta and blizz still double down on bad choices.
Closing the stable doors after the horse has bolted.
World of Warcraft is a great game and that’s why we’re all here. Complaints and praise alike are only meant to help make the game as good as it can be. We all have a choice to play the game or not. What we need to do, though, is cut down on the toxicity. I believe the forums need to be better moderated and GMs need to return to the game to enforce the code of conduct.
Dont feel sorry for them, blame it on the WoW fans. Most of them arent creative and i remember back in those days i really enjoyed, then got ruined.
I missed the good ol days back then, like hunters having a quiver, craft/buy arrows, keeping the hunter’s pet happy, etc.
Only thing i hated the most about this game, that level system got dumped down by half, leveling way too fast and too much gold drops. I waited to see what will happen in Shadowland, glad i didnt buy it. I will stick with old worlds and the rest of expansions.
One thing that bother me the most, is the adventure board. Its hard to get around where you want to go. For example, i like to start over fresh from old world then move on to the expansions. Well now it really screwed up, you already max out your level in the old world and aint gonna be easy trying to find the right paths. Like a wild goose chase in there.
“When it comes to the limitations on Covenant-switching, millions of players experienced Shadowlands for the first time through the lens of their Covenant of choice, and that would have not been possible had the choice carried less weight from the outset.”
They are not finally listening.
No not after the feedback we gave them DURING BETA.
3 expansions of ignored feedback for them to just backtrack and we are suddenly suppose to feel grateful?
If a friend slaps my face and then pays for my food cause he felt sorry 3 times I’m the idiot for staying friends with him. I shouldn’t feel grateful that he buys be dinner.
Get outta here man you don’t know what ur talking about
Blizzard loves to only change things at the point when they really don’t matter anymore. Sure lets out this change now that we are 2/3’s through the xpac and most people have left because they are unhappy with it and probably wont come back until 10.0 patch anyways.
As much as a hardcore lover of WoW I am, it has been hard for me to keep up logging in everyday and play for 8 hours like my normal. This xpac just feels so unrewarding.