I feel sorry for the WoW team

wait a sec… you don’t have invincible… how dare you post here and… ok I’m kidding, mounts don’t matter…wait a sec, you don’t have Mollie??

edit- you have warlords deathwheel, as do i, sorry I didnt give you the respect you deserve.

I’ve gotten fast food plenty of times that was cold or just wrong and turned right around and took it back and told them the issue (without yelling, just like in Beta in this case), and they fix the problem by doing it right without having to wait a year.

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What did you win? I got a year more fun out of the game? If you aren’t having fun youll win more by just not playing, rather than trying to math out the least amount of time you can spend doing the thing you dont enjoy.

I think I love you…

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nah…this is the same feces ridden circus they pulled last expansion too. Ignore screams for 8 months then ‘fix’ it when they knew what the problems were going in but plugged their childish ears and ignored it till they couldnt anymore

not true at all…ESO and FF14 are both very good games.
make the races better and Id never look back.

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I like Jack in the Box. I actually like their tacos (I know probably weird, but I do) and burgers and after a long day it’s nice to once in a while just go through the drive-thru and grab something quick.

You yourself said you eat at Jack in the Box so I guess you don’t value your money either, huh?


This lack of response on the devs part is outrageous.

There is literally no excuse for the lack of dialogue or developer feedback thus far.

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I’m pretty sure people have reasons.

And there’s people like me who simply don’t care and enjoy the game as is.

Darn they ignored all the feedback of all the changes they probably should have implemented since beta when the Expansion released.

But hey, better late than never, right?

Some people won’t probably be back and I don’t blame them.

I am, and hey. Remember our argument with Convocation of the Dead?

Yea, they fixed it. You were wrong and I was right.

The game should not have launched bugged like that. By the way, Demonology is bugged right now!

Imagine saying people are the problem… Didn’t a dev say the players are the problem too?

I think everyone has an equal amount of responsibility but devs more than anything really especially they’re the only gaming company I know that are actively hostile to players.

But hey, those are my 2c and maybe OP is yours too. You are entitled to your opinion, even if you’re wrong! :slight_smile:


Yeah I always feel sorry for people that have made a boat load of $ for years off a videogame :laughing: . And posting in a human paladin/ clark thread lol. And tell us where Lois is Mr Kent. The posts you make are almost Daily Planet news worthy. How are things in Metropolis :rofl:

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I do not trust them. They just do the same thing over and over since legion

Add borrowed power
Make rng powerful items with bad balancing clearly marking one as the got to have
Next expansion announced
Vendor added (with a currency requirement) so you can choose the borrowed power you never got throught the expansion.

Rinse repeat

It is so blatant it feels disrespectful. Also they ignore any feedback until the wheels fall off.


Not for a game I pay for.

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This is where I am at too. I’m glad they are doing it, I just wish they would have listened in the first place back in the Betas and they wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.

This is three xpacs in a row that this has happened. I love WoW and the people I have played with for years and years and enjoy many aspects of the game. But there are many things I don’t like and have seen so many well thought out post to make something better (PvP is just one example), only to see it completely ignored and months later they finally change it.


It’s not a mistake when it’s a repeated pattern through the history of their development of several different expansions. That’s a choice. They have chosen to ignore player feedback cause apparently constructive criticism hurts their feelings. That pattern will likely continue into the next expansion unless there are some serious changes made within the company’s culture.


They’ve been completely ignoring player feedback for years and pissing off lots of players - then they get caught in a major scandal and then all of a sudden they start caring what players have been asking for for years. They’re like the jerk boyfriend/girlfriend who gets dumped and then is all like “I can change! I can change!”. Maybe Blizzard will change, and that would be awesome. But for now this is just one single baby step that doesn’t mean anything until we see whether it lasts long term.

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Maybe they are still upset about the legal issue and it has nothing to do with content delivery.

Now, unless you were just born has saying this ever netted a positive result? :laughing:

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This is just laughably bad. I’m going to quote someone from the EU wow forums on this matter to explain why people are acting this way:
"It’s all good stuff, but I refuse to congratulate you for listening to us. You want a pat on the back for that? Invent a time machine, travel back a year, and tell the developers to do all this BEFORE the game launches rather than as a mid expansion band aid.

And why the salt?

Because you keep doing this. You keep introducing systems you have no hope of balancing, which fight against us, which waste our time, which offer horrible grinds and then you fight us as much as you can in changing them until as close to the end of the expansion as possible and THEN, THEN you fix them only to toss it all out in the trash with the next expansion and to begin repeating the cycle.

The only reason these changes are coming now is nothing to do with the lore, or the narrative, or how impactful the Covenant system was at the beginning. It’s because millions of players have voted with their feet and they’ve left and this is an attempt to show you are capable of listening. Which this does, you are indeed capable of listening.

When your backs are against the wall and you are bleeding subscribers faster than you’d like.

So I will take these changes. I will even acknowledge that they are good changes. But I won’t thank you for them because these should have been in place since launch and it was the arrogance of the dev team which blinded them to the fact that what they were introducing was going to end up in a horrible mess.

You want plaudits? You want thanks? You want the adulation of your community? Then take this as a lesson learned and apply it to 10.0. If whatever expansion comes next doesn’t require a mid expansion dismantling of your failed systems as Shadowlands AND Battle for Azeroth have both done, THEN you’ll get some thanks because you’ll have done something.

I will not gush over someone cleaning up the mess they made when they were told repeatedly not to do and they arrogantly went ahead anyway."

It’s purely self-inflicted, and when you are defending something the devs themselves brought upon them, you are pretty pathetic. Just stop already.


Granted I’m grateful for the changes and glad they are coming… however it took the negligence of player feedback since beta, the fact it took 8 months to release 9.1 with the bare minium of the content for the amount of time it took, and a mass exodus (and the lawsuit) to push out an update to realize the state of where the game is heading.

All of this could’ve been prevented if feedback was acknowledged but no they decided to be complacent for 10 months and now they realized the amount of people quitting, activity within the game being the lowest its ever been, Content creators that used to make content for WoW has quit or taking a break to do variety and now they want forgiveness which its not earned easily, especially with a bad release.

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Imagine ignoring the actual facts so you can continue to think youre right.

They knowingly provided a game players disliked. They don’t deserve our praise until they win our trust back.