After the announcement of new info of 9.1.5, there are STILL people wanting Blizzard to burn in flames
There’s people thanking blizzard and there’s people still wanting WoW to go up in flames
Darn they do darn they don’t
Either way, they’ll be back with pitchforks and torches for 9.2 future problems
People should be grateful changes are coming regardless
Honestly people should learn to adapt to changes, even if you don’t like it
I don’t know…
A lot of these changes are born of feedback players have been giving since beta.
Some of them came with dumb excuses (There are no advantages to covenants being locked in any capacity and the pull the ripcord thread has existed before the expansion even launched) and justifications.
I’m not sure grateful is the right word for how players should feel after basically getting what they’ve been saying all along with a begrudging post about how they should’ve listened but still knew better.
Sure I am excited and happy and hope this continues but I don’t blame the people reacting with salt and skepticism. Is it super productive? No. But it’s sort of the consequence of ignoring feedback and the releasing of weak content that feels overloaded with unintuitive, uninteresting, and unnecessarily gated systems. They have trust to earn back and expecting it to be fixed with one announcement just isn’t realistic.
Edit: Phone typing is hard
it took them a year (for this expac) but if theyre finally willing to listen/change things then im happy
I don’t usually agree with you Clark, but in this instance you’ve nailed it on the head. We’ve been asking for many of these changes since the PTR, and now we’re getting them. And not in 9.3.5 either as many have memed. We should at least be happy that Blizz is apparently finally listening. Should we forget what it took to get here? No, not any time soon, at least not until Blizz proves that they actually are listening to it’s playerbase in 9.2, 9.3 if there is one, and 10.0. But I’m going to be cautiously optimistic (my torch and pitchfork are near at hand) that this will be a continuing trend. 9.2 will be the real test to see if Blizz is serious about making a better game.
There’s a delicate balance when it comes to criticism. Unfortunately, there are major faults on both participants of the “argument” here - namely that players forget their devs are simply people and that the devs could really do better about incorporating feedback sooner and more thoroughly.
As it stands, I’m grateful for the change; however, it still doesn’t quite peck at the core issue here: your Covenant choice does still factor into your Covenant ability (and even legendary, if you’re using any Covenant-specific ones). Granted, when you’re done engaging in the content that Covenant is best for, you can freely swap out if it in 9.1.5… but you still have to swap back if you want your preferred abilities/legendaries when you engage in that content again.
Good changes, but I feel it misses the core issue. All in all, it’s okay to offer a little praise but still offer constructive criticism where it’s needed.
(And maybe we can incorporate these changes when they’re identified in the beta? Or when they didn’t work in previous expansions?)
If we completely mute people forever, why can we still see the threads they create?
Edit: nm, got it. Woot! Tired of even seeing the thread titles.
Because you didn’t actually mute me 
There are reasons for the cynicism in many cases but the bottom line is there are always people who are going to be miserable no matter what. Blizzard could find a cure for cancer and half of the forums would complain that they were ignoring heart disease.
To be honest, all of this goes both ways. We have a lot of people at certain extremes that find everything Blizzard does to be a fault. That’s not very fair, nor is it helpful. But no doubt, some of the criticism Blizz receives is warranted and brought on by themselves.
You are on the other side of the spectrum where it seems you believe Blizz can do NO wrong. And that isn’t very fair either.
These changes are good news for everyone, in my opinion. Are they being made just out of the kindness of Blizzard’s heart? Maybe. Are they being made because they’ve had so many issues this year, and they’re starting to see the error in being so stubborn and unwilling to change anything the community wants? Maybe. I hope this is a preview to a long-term shift in mentality at Blizzard.
These changes are a win for everyone, and it makes me excited to see what happens in the future.
LOL! i dont feel sorry for them. they let people get to the point that they hate bliz.
I feel sorry for the WoW team
I dont…there, I cancelled out your sorrow.
Some ppl just want to see the world (of warcraft) burn.
Give them no energy as the return on that investment is nothing.
give blizz kudos when deserved and hold them to account when needed to.
We all in this together
Nobody is saying the changes are bad. We all just don’t understand how it takes Blizzard a year to see problems that us players see in an hour during Alpha/Beta. This isn’t the first time either, most people were very accepting when we got the Legendary vendor in Legion 1.5 years after we should have. But this is now 3 expansions in a row of this and people are tired of it.
I think some of the “complaints” actually does hold some truth to them. Some of these changes (like the maw intro skip) were things that should have been added right off the bat when people complained about them in massive numbers, from early on in the expansion.
Blizzard has been wrong in the past, sure, but they don’t deserve praise for reverting their stance after all this time and all the complaints. People are tired of them not responding or listening to their players, so they have a reason to be upset imo. I can tell you, blizz will probably be met with criticism when they add tier sets back too…they should never have been removed in the first place, and players have been asking for them back for a couple years now… stuff like that that shouldn’t be met with praise either, and i think criticism is justified in those types of circumstances.
I agree that people are way too harsh, and are using the great news as a way to bully blizzard…but such is the internet, and the active wow playerbase i guess. Hopefully we get some returning players, and some positivity with them 
This is overall, finally great press for blizzard in my opinion 
They did the same thing in BFA and Legion. It’s the same thing over and over again OP.
Yeah I should get down on my knees and thank Blizzard so much for taking a year to make changes people were telling them to make in beta. You know how the Blizzard devs could stop getting so much hate with every patch and announcement?
They could make a good game from the start. Instead of constantly giving us broken, unfinished garbage then making us wait for patch .2 or .3 for it to be bearable. Because telling them that we don’t like ideas bruises their fragile, undeserved egos so badly they go on Twitter to cry about how toxic WoW fans are.
I agree with you on some level.
I think a lot of people are being outright rude about everything. There’s no reason for that. You can get the point that you’re disappointed at the time it took across without being a jerk.
But I also don’t believe grateful is a term that I’d use either. I’m not grateful, I’m a paying customer. They should be grateful I stuck around as long as I have waiting for them to address these issues. (Mostly because I foolishly bought into a 6-month subscription before 9.1 dropped, that’s my bad.)
But I am pleased that we’re getting communication and that things I considered to be an issue, when you, Clark, told everyone that we were wrong for having these issues, are being fixed.
If I’m grateful for anything, it’s that you were wrong about the state of the game previously. 
I don’t have the responsibility of being grateful as a paying customer I expect changes lol.
DO you realize that you are paying them for this game?