I feel sorry for the WoW team

Perhaps we all should follow your lead. It will be hard but there are enough other games out there.

I complain because I still give a crap. If I gave up entirely, I’d have been gone a month ago. And the complaints that Blizzard doesn’t listen are entirely valid - they don’t, and they’ve admitted as much. The thing is, one good act only buys so much. They have to be consistent: that’s how WOW became the most-played MMO in the first place, they consistently listened to the players and churned out good content, not slapped down a year of bad content then finally listened the players only because the going got tough.

Like if a dude constantly pissed you off for years, but suddenly acts like you’re his best friend because he needs money, you should be absolutely justified in being skeptical of his sincerity.


But I should still marry him right? He seems like he means it.
edit: i will be back, he needs 5 dollars for smokes, I think mom has some change…

You do know women got the right to vote in america by complaining, right? That mixed color people being allowed to marry was because of complaining.

Complaining works, when theres someone who will listen.

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When you die, Clark, would you like to be buried with a Blizzard flag in your casket?


well if they reward people for not playing then why would anyone spend time doing things they don’t like

I looked at Shadowlands and thought omg I can’t run all my alts though Torghast and do that Maw intro on every one and the covenants campaigns on them all. Once through that content is more than enough.

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No I wouldn’t go there just like alot of you here shouldn’t be here either if you hate it.

Unfortunately, many forget that Blizzard is probably not run by the Devs. They might simply be workers in the company. If the Executives decides everyone is going to do A, then everyone does A.

Yet everyone is quick to point fingers of blame at the Devs for decisions that may have come from above.

When Wal-Mart makes a policy change do you think pointing at the greeter, blaming them for the change and demanding that they need to revert the policy, will be effective?

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You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth, no truth handler be you! Seriously, here it is, for many of us, our WoW life is way better then our real life.

Customers should be grateful for paid services.

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Customers should be grateful for the opportunity to pay for a service?


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Did you copy and paste this from an 8.3 BfA thread?

Not when it’s something I pay for. Monthly.

I was grateful - in the last two expansions when they pulled this same move.

Now? It’s clearly an established pattern and one I’m sick of paying for. Why waste money playing this game when the first year is always a grindy mess that is going to get changed into a better version (And the version it should have launched with) when everyone gets sick of it and quits?

You’re absolutely right they’re darned if they do darned if they don’t. Predatory, intentional design decisions to milk suckers like you and me out of a year of sub fees and an expansion preorder while we’re stuck playing budget content at a premium price tag. For what? To fund their company filled with frat bros so they can get boozed up and abuse coworkers? Nah.

I’m overwhelmingly tired of the apologists like this who tell me I should be thankful. Blizzard’s repeatedly selling you a car for 30k, and then the next year releasing the exact same model car with a better engine, more MPG, better paint, features, tires, wheels, and selling it for 30k - and you’re saying you’re thankful for it. It’s sad.


Yes. you buy milk? Its not spoiled is it? So some people did a good job making it fresh and… crap… whos side am I on… WoW isn’t fresh… it needs to be…


I didn’t but if I replied to Clark in 8.3 about something, it had to be something I agreed with. Not saying that if I did it didn’t sound similar. Usually I don’t agree with him though so I would have probably worded it similarly.

I was just being a jerk about it because these are just the same sentiments expressed during 8.3 as well is all :frowning:

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You dont have to one day people on the forums will realize they can quit to like the players who did that. That forum goers keep spamming about. 15 bucks ain’t much with 40 bucks thrown in here and there. Be happy this is the only mmo that’s been worth a crap for 17 yrs it could just close this is not forced subs your choice they do good things get trashed it’s a no win.

All the time we spend here arguing I could have farmed:

18 koratha crystals
8 toys (maybe)
3 mounts (ok maybe 1)
learned how to spell koratha

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I’m happy they are finally listening to the feedback, but I think the real issue is, it took them this long to finally admit fault and fix it all. Hopefully this is showing a change in Blizz and their willingness to listen to feedback and hopefully next time around implement the changes sooner, rather than being stubborn for nearly if not a full year.