I feel sorry for the WoW team

You’re question means nothing, it’s as irrelevant to me as the lawsuit is to the playerbase. If it’s such an issue then stop giving them your money.

In other words, you can’t answer it. Okay.


That’s kinda messed up to say, but will counter it with this:

Do you still use Amazon even though countless times have you heard of how condition’s are working at the warehouses? Or do you look the other way

It is actually never a good thing for them to give in. The people who complained in the first place were never going to be happy and then there are people like me who after they have been burned once by doing a bunch of crap they don’t want to do, just don’t buy the next expansion until things are changed.

I got punished in BFA for playing and now I am getting rewarded for not playing for the first year of Shadowlands.

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People have already done that, so what’s your problem?

It is, yes. But this is exactly why these flood of quality of life changes are happening. It’s actually super sad if you think about it.

This really depends on the country. I believe the conditions in America are really bad. I had once a job interview at a HR center who is a partner of Amazon. Long story short, it’s not bad here where I live but I would say yes, I would still use Amazon although the level of communication and service is quite different of a MMO which cannot be compared in the regular sense.

Yeeeah, that’s the thing. Some of us did stop paying for it.

And Blast has a good point: if these changes are only happening to staunch the bleeding of paying customers, then the dev team will only do this then revert to their old ways. Sure, it’s nice to imagine that positive steps are being taken, but I’ve seen how the dev team respects the players on Twitter, so their hubris isn’t a good sign that this kind of behavior isn’t a long-term thing. For all we know, they’ll actively try to make the players happy until they hit a goal then go right back to being tone-deaf elitist jerks all over again.

One patch is too early to tell.

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The game is FILLED with jerks and griefers, they will never say anything nice to anyone and will always be haters. They didn’t even know what a dev was before playing WoW but now they are all IT pros at 13 years old.

It’s irrelevant. Nothing in that lawsuit pertains to you. If you have an issue with it then stop giving them your money.

Anyone who’s still here on the forum hasn’t washed their hands of the game or Blizzard.

Who cares why? You people complain just to complain. You complain that Blizzard doesn’t listen, they cave and give you people what you want and then you complain about that. lol

I don’t feel sorry for anyone that doesn’t know how to handle feedback.

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You’re certainly not the only person I’ve seen who expressed this sentiment and it always seems weird to me. You’re getting rewarded for not playing? Why are you playing at all if that is how you see it? I had a blast playing WoW with my friends/guildies for the past year.

Nice projecting, i can’t finish up my remaining sub before i leave? You sound so desperate shilling blizzard so hard.


I respect your choice in not answering my question. Given the situation however I really do not think it’s fair from you believing that everyone “doesn’t get it” because you are okay in being conditioned because you pay for the ride and you’re fine with it.

What am I projecting? You don’t know what that means, do you? lol

I’m NOT done with the game, I enjoy it, so what am I projecting? loooool

People should be GRATEFUL for being thrown table scraps?


Who cares?
Like if you enjoying why are you in the forum? I guess the forum must be more fun than the game itself.


Announcing the changes people requested and said would be far better than the original design in beta - and likely alpha - at this point is not something to praise, it’s something to criticize.

People thanking them shouldn’t be thanking them.

The point is that this is way too late. As others have said, pulling the ripcord at this point is too late because they’ve already landed.

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This basically sums up how I feel lately.
Yes, it’s nice they’re finally doing something so late into the xpac but the main offenders for alts at least is that they took away acnt-wide KSM and as far as I can tell from the 9.1.5 patchnotes, alts will still need to grind R6 Archivist if they want conduit upgrades.

I’ve just lost faith and trust in Blizzard and I fully expect the next expansion for them to revert back to making life hell for alts, then halfway through throw some scraps and read from players “that we should just be happy changes are made”


I spent oogles of time working on essences on all my characters and people were complaining and complaining and then they made it easy mode on alts. So I could have been working on something else instead and just complain like the other people.

So this expansion I didn’t buy Shadowlands because I figured they would cave in to all the complaints about alts and I won by doing that.

So this business doesn’t work. You don’t win by accepting things, you win by complaining and then not playing.

You cant make everyone happy, you are not doing that bad, 220, nice achieves… oh… your a hunter… ok that explains it :slight_smile: (kidding of course, forums need more humor)