I feel sorry for the WoW team

It’s too early to say whether this is the devs turning over a new leaf. The 9.1.5 features list is probably more of an indication that the numbers need to get better. Also, when many of these new features kick in isn’t a known. And it is about timing. If 9.1.5 gets released when 9.2 was expected to be released (my guess was end of Q4, early Q1), it’s just a version issue and may as well be 9.2. So still many questions.

For a definitive indicator whether there has been a change in approach to how the game is developed, wait till 10.x. If they produce a game at launch which doesn’t have issues like BfA and Shadowlands, then I think more people would become believers (rather than suckers). lol

Do you realize people are mad because they like WoW? And that this is a neverending cycle for 3 or 4 expansions now? "releases bad game ignoring all feedback → players leave → fix the game at the end → next expansion release bad again


All these should have been released in 9.0. They purposefully release a broken system so they can use the fix as content. It’s not the first time they are doing this, and for sure it’s not the last time either. All this was extensively requested during prt and they just completely ignored the players.

This is like a toxic boyfriend saying he changed and that he’s sorry, only to do the exact same thing again next time.

We are not buying into it anymore, plus we found much greener pastures elsewhere, where the devs are actually passionate about the game they create and they respect the players. Rip WoW, too little too late.


Yeah demanding to fire Ion or constantly tell the people of general discussion that FFXIV is fun, is surely a way to say “I like WoW”

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I don’t.

None of those changes address the bugs, the phasing issues, the incorrect level rewards due to the level squish or any of the other practical issues with the game so I still think they suck.


not gonna get burned again, will def wait before buying that one.

ill pretend your response makes any sense and nod



Why thank them for taking 9 months to react to feedback given in the beta?
Sure, it’s a heck of a lot better than them taking a whole expansion, but why does it take the subscriber base going up in flames for basic feedback to be reacted to?
I am really excited to play as I won’t have to do the Maw Intro ever again or do the same Covenant campaign over and over again on alts, but why couldn’t this have been in 9.0.5 or 9.0?

Dude, that’s just a part of being human: when you screw someone over with consistently bad behavior for years, it takes at least as long to get back into their good graces, and even then, you’re walking on egg shells because those people are anticipating your failure.

That’s the way it goes, man: you can spend years building up good will, but it only takes a day to lose all of it. Then guess what, you not only have to spend years building that good will back up, but you need to smooth over the bad feelings as well.

It’s not enough to say “I’ve changed,” but you gotta prove it…every damned day.

Tall order? Yeah, that’s why most people just chalk it up as a loss.


That’s a bad take.

Bad take.

This I agree with, really a shame.

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I don’t. Maybe I’ll be more sympathetic 9.2 and onward depending on what they deliver.

This has been the most reasonable post ive encountered today on the forums. well done sir or madam

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Good old Clark. You keep up the good fight, my boy.

You say this, but you also said all this…

what a joke.

Translate: People should just shut up and eat up all the crap that blizzard give to you.
Yeah no thx


Yeah, I still think the expansion is bad.

These changes are only happening because they lost players due how women have been sexually harassed and because enough people swapped over to Final Fantasy 14. My question for you would be the following:

If it takes a lawsuit and another MMO for people giving the often requested features “late”, what does it take for them to give the players the same requests “next week” or “next month”? Suicides? Killing Sprees? What exactly must be done so the developer team can stand upon the values they try to sell? This is exactly what people want to see. Not artificially postponed changes until the end of the expansion.

Or people should just not pay for an entertainment product that they aren’t entertained by? lol

Dude, if it’s so bad then stop paying for it? lol

Who cares why they were made?

Please answer my question.