I feel sorry for the WoW team

People have always wanted Blizzard to burn in flames. Ever since classic. Ignore them.

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Blizzard has done this same BS for almost 5 years. They should not be applauded for not listening in the first place. Its cost them classic wow and ruined SL.


I am pretty happy about the changes so far!


No, that isn’t true. Its rumor started by the worst of the worst to deflect and avoid responsibility. Example: Most chain stores haven’t abused their workers like Walmart, but if you ask Walmart PR after they got busted…every department store is not paying their employees for dozens of hours of OT each month. And using undocumented workers. it is not industry standard like Walmart had claimed.

And clark trying to make himself king of whataboutism.


Ok, what if you go to a restaurant and order a steak, but the chefs think they know better and end up bringing you garbage from the trash bin instead. Then you go back every day for 10 months and keep ordering steak but they keep bringing you garbage, even though you can see the steaks in the back just sitting there.

Then finally after almost a year of going to this restaurant, you order a steak and they finally bring you a steak. Are you happy you got the steak? Of course. But wouldn’t you also wonder why they kept serving you garbage for nearly a year when you ordered steak and they had fresh steaks just sitting back there?

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I don’t feel sorry for them. They don’t’ listen to the audience that pays the bills that keeps them their job. Then when that audience starts to dwindle and they say “ok we’ll listen now” you think they need a pat on the back? I don’t expect the team to do everything the community says but when there are huge problems with a system and they just ego stroke instead of take a hard look at it, they’re doing their customer base a disservice. They have the ideas, they come up with the new stuff to build a new expansion and experience with, we get it. It’s ok to have it critiqued and the best people to do it and the best people to listen to are the ones that play your game day after day, year after year. They need to take this opportunity to be humble, but they also need to stay humble.

It’s great that they changed course but they need to work on not being in this same situation time and time again. What’s the definition of insanity?


Multiply things can be true at one time. Most people are happy with this while also being pissed off that it took this long because anyone with a brain could see how terrible these systems were.


You go to the restaurant and regardless of what you order, they serve you vegan food. Because it’s good for you - at least they think it is - and they feel morally obligated to feed it to you.

If the steaks are bad then you find another meal on their menu

You don’t like the streaks fine but what if their chicken dishes are better for you

Same goes for WoW

You don’t like raiding ok then don’t, but you may have an interest in PvP

You wanting to do LFR for 10 months but never wanting to do normal and up and experience how much better it is vs LFR is on you

Any normal raid at content is far much better than dealing with lazy/bad people in LFR

Activiz fanbois are just in an abusive relationship at this point. ‘THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT! THEY WILL LISTEN NOW!’ …This has happened for years. These changes wouldn’t have been implemented until final patch cycle if the game wasn’t currently dyeing.


9.1.5 is definitely shaping up to be a Fan Service patch.

However, I still think it falls short of fixing some gameplay problems and it won’t improve content. That said, I might take advantage of the covenant swapping if I could keep my anima and buy the cosmetics easier.

And of course there is no Heritage Armor for any of the core races missing it. Pushed off to another patch I guess.

Too little too late, or better late than never. Pick your poison. Everyone is wrong and everyone is right.

I don’t recall being physically hurt by a blizzard game nor have they ever tell us we are bad players

If you’re comparing a game to mental and physical harm, something is far more concerning than blizzard

While I’m happy with the 9.1.5 changes, I do hope they take this as a hint to be more proactive instead of reactive. :+1:


I think it was better late than never in Legion and BFA, but at this point it’s hard to say they aren’t intentionally withholding quality of life changes to release them as features in a later patch.


Changes are great! I think the issue is more of 3 xpacs in a row of delayed feedback implementation to feed time played metrics. At least it feels like that to me anyways.

Totally admitting conduit energy is one thing that makes a customer think “then why did we have it for a year then?” is strange. Least they are admitting it ,but then my reply is thanks, why was it there then though? Could have done without it for paying a year of subs and the xpac price.

The comment on trying to use lore as “reasoning” to covenant swapping was something that rubbed me wrong. Just in the principle of gaming, if a story choice or “lore” hurts how gameplay feels (or punishing to swap) then that should be scrapped at the drawing board immediately. It’s game design philosophy what doesn’t make sense. This isn’t just a movie or show, this is something I am interacting with so the feeling of playing must be central.


I agree with you, I think they get themselves into the same situation time and time again because theyre following the “formula”, then when it gets too much for players and subs start to fall, they pull the ripcord. Its an up down up down up down experience, where they think theyre totally in control to keep sub numbers where they want them. ugly and arrogant.


They’re working hard to come up with a coherent message.

It must be hell to be one of the people who constantly surrounds themselves with negativity for hours every single day over a video game. loool