To be fair, we did say to get rid of pathfinder and they did.
They didn’t for BFA.
Nobody said they did for bfa
You made a generic comment I made a generic reply.
Either way they didn’t remove pathfinder
Why don’t you generically go away!?
I will wait until you generically go away.
We could be at this all day
I got lots of time do you?
They saw the issue. They just don’t care because metrics and experience tells them time and again that players can be strung along for X amount of time with an investment of Y.
The ONLY reason anything is happening now is because they have their backs to the wall and dissolution closer then it’s ever been- and even that threat is only enough to make them move what was already going to happen in 9.3.5 up a couple of months. This is a panicked hand played early, nothing more
you mean the snowflake entitled personality type that says ‘give me your money even if I make a garbage product I was told was garbage before I released it’ ?
Or do you mean a company who has been participating in and allowing sexual harassment of its female staff?
just trying to understand what it is youre actually insulting here.
They feel like crying about it over and over again to the devs
ie…the devs who made the bad product to begin with that was released knowing it had huge problems that theyve now admitted to?
Well, some where some way, these folks are going to be hit with the real realities of real life.
Agreed. The reality that their game sucked and they shouldnt be groping female coworkers has really hit them hard…lawsuit hard… lmao
Like Ive said in here…son…WE ARE TOLD by BLIZZARD to bring our issues HERE that dont rise to ticket level importance. YOU dont have the AUTHORITY to tell us to do otherwise.
BUT…I DO find it ironic that YOU are getting every benefit of a BETTER game because of all that ‘entitled’ whining WE did for nearly a year. lmao
While ‘burning in flames’ is an overly-dramatic response, you’re extremely naive to think that people would just roll over and “be grateful” over changes that should have been in the game in the first place.
Blizzard suddenly making a 360-degree turn and moonwalking away does not absolve the fact that they messed up somewhere in the development process and went full speed ahead on the original features that they knew people hated.
I’m not grateful as 9.1.5 still does not give me an adequate reason to pick up and play this game.
Clark who you here? If they did not make the changes you’d be up here telling people to support Blizzard.
I want the game to be the best it can be, that was probably around the final patch of legion, when legendry’s were purchasable, the artefact was completely unlocked after 1 daily quest and then you worked on the “paragon power” to give tiny amounts of passive damage. With all the content accessible and available, conduits were reasonably balanced without game-breaking you must have 3 of 1 trait or your spec is broken.
The only way to get back to this style is for the hubris of the current team to be shattered and them to listen… Ion keeps doubling down on Twitter he thinks he was right about covenants, “his designs made the most sense in combination with the narrative the majority of player base doesnt like”. His arrogance knows no bounds.
Actually no, under Ion the game has gone from around 10 million players to under 2 million… this is literally the only reason we are seeing these changes, if the game didn’t lose players there would be no reason to course correct.
Its the timing, the changes are good, the timing is bad. This is all stuff that near unanimously has been demanded since alpha… Ion ignored the feedback and consequently skewered the game. the issue is they refused to listen and given the current spin Ion is trying to put on things will probably repeat in 10.0 when he gets free range “sorry guys we cant change things now for another 2 patches”. Who cares about 9.2, the lore is trash right now, get back to Azeroth thats the core of the franchise… its WORLD of warcraft not UNIVERSE of warcraft.
No, this is entertainment. For as long as we can we will voice our likes and dislikes. Blizzard should be grateful for as long as players are willing to keep giving feedback and being engaged… there are 8 million less players complaining about the game now because they have moved on, blizzard do not want that.
Players have been voicing their complaints about the latest expansion for over a year and it’s only now that the bulk of the issues are being addressed – spurred on by the company getting kicked in the crotch with a massive amount of negative PR. This was not done in good faith; they’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they don’t actually care about the voices of their paying customers – this is a whole lot of desperate posturing and nothing more.
I don’t want WoW to burn in flames. It’s very close to my heart and I know there are a lot of good people on the team.
However, it is hard pill to swallow being told that we should “be grateful” about things that came over one year after we’ve begged for them.
I don’t feel sorry for them.
This xpac has been terrible and they ignored us for months.
HOW does this have 55 likes?!
So back in the day I was playing RTS mostly Command and Conquer Generals/Zero Hour. I switched to Blizzard games because they were an awesome company that patched WC3/TfT
and acually cared for it’s products.
I hope they don’t go down the way EA did and quit supporting the games. I still have faith, but I kinda knew what was going to happen after Activision got involved. Hope they get their act together and be the company we all hope they can be.
I will be happy when they bring old content items that you can try to get , remove restriction on area-52 classic pvp sets (stupidest restriction ever)
Otherwise I still enjoy the game. But that would make me more than happy. Especially classic pvp sets. I hate when they lock something behind rating or achievement