You can get better in other ways but constructive criticism is another good method of improving. And I stress the word “constructive.” Saying “wtf this sucks” or other meme comments are not constructive and not helpful in any way, shape or form. I was in the beta forums and I saw a lot of that. Then those same people who did nothing but make comments like that were like “wtf why are they not listening to me?”
But I think this isn’t the problem the developers face but their ego. Ignoring feedback because “they can” simply puts them into a very spot. Their immature reactions by attacking other people on twitter also reflects badly on them. They cannot handle criticism and even in their latest news they still persists on their “Sorry I am not sorry”-stance. One single line of reflection does not make it, they have to shake up their relationship with the players from scratch.
That’s not always so cut/dry.
As I explained to someone else recently, we have design/development in our organization too and those exact employees are not the ultimate decision makers on what they design or release. Upper management decides the direction and they’re forced to follow it even if they do not agree.
If anyone has an ego issue, it would be upper management. They only look at dollars and cents. And at the end of the day, people say “your designers suck” when they’re just doing as they were told. Nobody says “your management sucks”. That’s one perk to being in management… for the normal days, you can blame those down the totem pole.
I definitely have to current…SLs and BFA.
I love up thru Mists so its very much worth the sub…for now anyway…once they trashed the loot-a-rang it made me realize they ARE on the warpath to destroy old content, so my time here may be finite regardless of loving the old expansions.
EVERY…SINGLE…TIME…Ive given them the benefit of doubt theyve proven very quickly that I shouldnt have. THAT is a huge part of a lot of the reason this forum is ablaze most days…and why the knights and shills seem to actually believe its THEIR job to do damage control for the company, lol…we’ve given them the benefit of doubt…and they screw the playerbase over every chance they get.
At a point its “fool me 143 times, Im a moron”, lol…
Im literally here still because the races are mostly cool and being an RPG that matters.
The old world is seriously cool…and actually both BFA and SLs are outstanding ART-wise … nice to look at if nothing else.
The part that makes me laugh out loud at these jokers is that they dont seem to comprehend who their bread and butter is…lol.
Its the quasi casual player who stays subbed thru all of the ups and downs and irritations this game has to offer.
They try to appease the smaller minority of players…which is ok…IF they are looking firstly to keep the broader base of continual players happy first and foremost.
I mean, this IS a company that wants to make money…to take your money…but then they want to hand you content you hate or arent interested in, then are so irritatingly entitled that they EXPECT you to keep paying your subscription with a stupid grin on your face, while theyre working half days, drinking on the job and copping a feel from the female staff every chance they get. lol.
Mistakes I can handle.
REPEATED mistakes, combined with jokish excuses, doubling down and attacking their own players who dare point the stupidity out…well, that I can do without.
It’s these content creators, Bellular for example, does nothing but spread FUD all the time. but it gets the views
You’d almost get the feeling the company was filled full of entitled tantrum tossing kids instead of college educated game designers.
and the shills and knights in here call US entitled because we expect satisfactory product for our $$$, lmao
No…the entitled ones are the sort who dont take their jobs seriously, put out trash product then expect customers to pay for their crap product and then attack said customer on twitter if they tell them product is crap…L M A O…
While what you said has some merits, it’s the ‘glass half-full’ perspective. An alternative consideration is Blizzard should breath a sigh of relief for players who complain, but STAY in the game. Customer is king, and Blizzard shouldn’t have to be reminded that there are many, many, many games in the marketplace competing in the same customer pool.
yea people have been wanting blizzard to go down in flames since day 1
always the next “wow killer” game threads and no lifers like asmondgold jumping on the anyi blizzard bandwagon trying to lead the sheep …even though the guy never held a real job and still lives with his parents …
but dont worry wow isnt going anywhere bud
Keep it consistent for few patches or preferably a whole xpack and people will come around. I’m not going to flame or praise them for stuff that should’ve been there when the game released.
Sorry but this is a game people pay money for. They pay for the expansions. They pay for the game time/sub. Some of them even buy mounts and other premium stuff.
They have every right to expect value for their money. At the very least they have every right to expect the feedback they give will be at least heard in good faith and or acted upon.
Look if you want to blame anyone? Blame Blizzard and WoW’s dev team for putting the game in the shape it’s in. I’m not singling out anyone. But when you had people saying that something was bad as far back as Alpha/Beta and they stubbornly stuck to it only to then wonder “Why you leave?” They have only themselves to blame.
We’ve waited 6 months (or better) by now.
Are the changes good? Yes. Does that mean we should all just pretend that Blizzard didn’t spend the last several months gaslighting us? And it’s not even that. They’ve done this before with other expansions and people are understandably fed up.
Finally who is to say they don’t do the same thing in the next expansion. If they want to show they have truly learned from the situation? The next time they have an Alpha or Beta? They would do well to heed the feedback and seriously consider changes before they ship another expansion in a beta state. Only then will people be “grateful”.
As for Blizzard going up in flames? Have you not seen the PR disaster from misconduct and treatment of employees? It wasn’t the fans that couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. It wasn’t the players that shielded people in positions of power from accountability.
The irony is that while people call Asmongold toxic? I see a lot of people in Blizzard’s own staff and those in these very boards acting every bit as toxic (towards him I might add). Do you really think Asmon just wants to be Anti Blizzard? He literally made his living and life off the back of playing WoW and you think he is coming at it from some deep-seated hatred of WoW? He talks about his favorite memories in the game. Even asking why his mom stopped playing the game. You can call him a no-lifer or holding a real job. But the reality is if someone is a streamer? It’s a job if they are making money off it and the dude makes more money than most people. His one stream alone (The FFXIV one) made $30000 off one stream. That’s more than I make in a year at what you might consider a “real job.” Hell if I made that money off one stream would I be working my current job?
People were so deadset that Asmon was going to be toxic to the point they Streamsniped him playing FFXIV. He said he was not going to boost and experience all the content because he knew people would say “Oh you just skipped the game”.
For the record, a WoW dev punched down at him saying he was responsible for why WoW’s community is so toxic. Yet Asmon made a great point. It’s ironic that Blizzard blames him when Blizzard can’t be bothered to censor the N-word in WoW classic. But they can remove an NPC.
Asmongold is the least of Blizzard or WoW’s problems. Look at Preach who is another streamer. Both of them criticized the very things Blizzard is now changing as far back as Alpha/Beta. You can call them toxic. Yet no game ever got better without people willing to criticize them or push for changes to make it better.
one year too late
I just came back after 1 entire year, I am Field Marshal Ayub Khan, what did I miss?
Oh, make no mistakes, both are toxic. But the big difference between Asmongold and the developers is that you can trust Asmongold. He is the kind of guy who does not hide his feelings. He is upright and genuine… this is why people like him. That’s also true for BellularGaming.
Sometimes we think the people here on the US forums lack an adulthood to understand the nuances of emotions.
I agree
I would rather then being sorry and reacting to things like player drop offs to do fixes , they instead try to do better and be proactive .
By proactive I mean listening to the feedback in beta and putting changes in by launch at the earliest or the first x.x.5 patch at the latest . Hopefully that will get people to keep playing longer in the expansion because they feel the want to play more .
I feel like entitlement and in general the snowflake personalities of alot of people these days is what is really wrong with this world now. It is especially annoying to deal with in the working world. Like i cannot imagine working with some of the people who post their everlasting long list of complaints on these forums. Everything has to be PC, and hypersensitivity, and just everything else now. Everything and everyone has to be catered to their bullcorn, and if it isn’t, they will cry until it is. Or cancel their subs or whatever. As if that will work. Try going to your job and quitting just because you did not get your way, and tell me how that works out for you lol.
Alot of people these days OP have never been told no. Or that life is not fair for that matter. They feel like crying about it over and over again to the devs, and others in their lives i am sure, will eventually get their sympathy. Well, some where some way, these folks are going to be hit with the real realities of real life. And it is not going to be pretty for them.
Highly subjective. Some people today expect miracles before they’re happy.
As I said in another thread, this is an old game. I’m happy it’s even still getting expansions.
Why make jokes in a sincere thread?
I’ve taken to watching a few of his videos to try and understand the phenomenon, I think if I played more like him I wouldn’t feel like a lot of his rants about WoW seem self serving to his play style. Not that it’s bad or he’s bad or anything like that, I just hope Blizzard doesn’t give too much credence to his ideas.
I’ll never forgive them for locking away flight - it’s the exact the same BS. People only care now because it’s impacting the things that they enjoy about the game, and their way of playing it.
They conjure up all these reasons behind not wanting us to have flight at max level, ignore us when we keep asking for it, then give it to us in a later patch, but only within the zones where it no longer matters.