People would care more about 9.1.5 changes if they weren’t things that all BETA testers recommended before SL even released…were completely ignored…and then released over a year later when subs were dying. Its the same thing every single expansion
Legion beta: This is great but it would be awesome if we could have a vendor with a currency to target our legendaries instead of it being completely random
WoW: No…f you
1 year later: We’ve introduced a vendor and a currency to target legendaries, please praise us.
BFA Beta: This is great but you should make it so theres a vendor that has the nzoth corruptions so we don’t have to target farm 1 specific piece for 5 months.
Wow team: f you
8 months later: We’ve made a corruption vendor with every corruption to make your life easier…praise us
SL Beta: This is great, but you really should make it so covenants and renown progression are account wide and let us switch between covenants freely to make the game more fun
Wow team: No f you
1 Year later: We’ve made covenants and renown progression account wide and you can switch between covenants freely. Please praise us.
I actually expected to give us two shades of blonde, black, white and perhaps brunette. But to be fair though, the blonde hair colorization is the most important one so I’m glad this High Elf fantasy has been dealt with.
For the Devs, there has to be a balance between having a clear mission and executing it well to produce systems and content while addressing some of the concerns of the player base. However, over the course of the last two expansions, it feels like the developers don’t play their own game from the various perspectives of their players - from casual to dedicated player to hardcore. There comes a point where I think if they played their own game from these various points of view, they’d understand the frustration and pointlessness of some of their designs.
You can’t blame players for being salty when they give valuable feedback during the beta process to be ignored, only to see Blizz reverse course when it starts to affect their bottom line. People were giving FREE advice and feedback all the while paying for the expansion AND a monthly subscription fee. The adage “you get what you pay for” doesn’t apply in this case. Why should I continue to pay a subscription fee for a game when we the players have offered valuable feedback, only to be ignored anyway? Of course people are leaving the game.
I don’t mind borrowed powers, so long as acquiring them isn’t too grindy, restricted and gated. Much of the replayable aspects of WoW lie within playing alts and trying other roles. It’s been difficult to do that the last three expansions with the borrowed powers systems being the way that they are.
Yeah, pitchfork it is, every damn patch until they stop releasing unwanted systems.
I already have my pitchfork ready for the announcement of the next expansion. You know why? Because they will present another stupid system that all people is gonna hate for a year and they will “listen” the feedback by 10.1.5 if we are lucky.
We are all fed up with this crap about bad systems and beta testing the game while we also pay for it.
It’s enough. I dont want more walls to plays alts or even other specs in my MAIN CHARACTER.
Just stop it, “devs”, you are not creative enough to make a good systems that doesnt break the game in some new way. You already prove that.
And yeah, all the people that left Warcraft and the few that remains here feel sorry for them.
There are a hundred different ways I can pay to enjoy wasting time. Blizzard has always been too cavalier with their player base, and they created a perfect storm of people getting fed up.
Yeah I’m on the side of the fence where they should be listening in the PTR phase. We tried telling them a year ago and this has happened time and time again. It’s like they are messing with us… I’m going to play shadowlands and probably continue playing WoW for a long time. But if they really wanted more players they should listen to feedback from the beginning! It’s a shame that people I grew up with online are now not looking back and have “moved on”. All they have to do to be more successful is just take in what the playerbase is saying about the systems that aren’t going to work that great. SMH
Exactly. And the way they’ve treated their playerbase and the feedback over the last few expansions wouldn’t fly with any other company. They’ve been getting a pass because their blizzard but at this point no one is buying it.
When they throw torghast away like they will before patch goes live the game will be perfect I love blizz. We already know systems are going in the dumpster 10.0 and you will be on your knees praising blizz unless your the one stuck at the bottom of the dps meter.
Well maybe if they had listened in the first place instead of sticking their nose up and ignoring their paying customers, people wouldn’t have had over a year to build up frustration and anger with Blizzards bad designs
They’ve had the feedback on covenant locks and conduit energy since late 2019
They chose to ignore it
And now it seems they’re only changing things to save some subs because the lawsuit and overall frustration with Shadowlands has probably had quite an impact
Does seem that way, doesnt it?
Like we’re being trolled by blizzard, Ion and the dev team, lol.
As someone somewhere said…change my mind. lol
Is there any evidence that they ARENT just trolling us with this perpetual, repetitive crapfest?
standards, some of you have almost zero that you hold bliz and world of warcraft to
and then you feel the customer should thank the company for finally fixing a ton of complaints yet still not fixing major issues with the overall game
it is fine for people to expect a certain standard from their entertainment and there doesn’t need to be thanks for it, as the money being paid already does that
now if this game went above and beyond, delivering far more value than anyone expected or asked for, that would merit some appreciation
but the only ones getting that treatment are shareholders from bliz monetizing the crap out of their games to the sole detriment of the players
for players we just get a game that gets less and less enjoyable as they push our tolerance levels for more metrics that correlate to cash shop gold buys. the only time this changes is when the playerbase drops so low that bliz feels they are chasing too many whales away with their aggressive designs
we are not even viewed as customers owed any standard of service, we are just numbers (aka consumers) viewed on a spreadsheet as ‘average revenue per player’
Realistically its only a matter of time before people like us just say F it. I actually don’t know if I can go through another patch like 9.0, where it went on for so long. I give them benefit because of covid, but even then I almost quit in 9.0. Like I say I will play forever, but who’s to say I don’t have that urge to resub any longer when I do quit again. Maybe next time they won’t be so lucky to have a player like me still playing. It boggles my mind that they tried to blame the player base… Honestly sometimes I have to refrain reading the forums because I find it so infuriating that the game I chose to waste my spare time is run by a company that doesn’t even care half the time. And I am as pro-WoW as it gets. So next expansion if they do it again, I think that will literally spell the end for WoW(Who’s to say it already isn’t the end. Will they even have 2 million+ people next expansion, lol?). On the plus side it looks like a lot of new MMO’s are coming out, Ashes of Creation is one that interests me and I look forward to playing it. Right now WoW is the only thing that really fills that void for me when it comes to gaming, so I will see how long I can tolerate their decisions and mistakes.
Look I agree that Shadowlands messed up and if the next x pack is not great I am gone. However this patch, the walkout and the new leadership, combined give me hope there will be change.